
I`m way to new for this?

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Can anyone explain to me why there are so many enemys here. Just read the Q and addon in the last Q that Cakes asked. I dont want to fight or p!ss anyone off. Where did the fight between bulls X an Ayiza start. Why is everyone (alot of people) angry at Hennie?

And lastly and this is for everyone.

Have you ever reported someone and the reson why? I havent and dont even see a reson to do so.




  1. I read this often but i never post anything. But now I fell it is time to. Men can no longer call women bitche$ as with all the fighting between Ayzia, Bull, MJ and who ever has always been with men. I think that this is the first time I have seen some one have a go at Cakes.

    Men are the bitche$ not women. So the solution : lets get a boxing ring and you men call all fight it out once and for all.

    By the way people take things way to seriously here.

  2. Yes you are way too new for this.

  3. So Boyo, ya thought ya was relieved of the Amazon Regular Armada.  Get over it.  Kisses, the Queen, Hatsheput we mean.  Blessed Saint Cleo is still animositous and that's the end of Scientism Schmientist L. Ron J HUBBEL

  4. Dont worry too much we all ten to disagree on this forum sometime or another! However Ayiza and Bull always have a go at each other.

    Stick around you might have a good laugh or three. . .

  5. I can't recall exactly where or when the disagreement between myself and the heathen swine began, but I would assume it to have been the result of Ayiza's incessant and vile anti white racism which is sickening at best and usually accompanied by obscene ANC propaganda and Marxist drivel, as well as his continued failures to recognise his and his races inherent primitiveness and place in the evolutionary chain, which is not merely an opinion, but scientifically validated fact which is easily substantiated and supported by mere observation of the lower IQ types in their daily existence of chaos, destruction and mayhem, there was also a time when Ayiza would crudely insult the basic fundamentals of civilisation, IE, Europeans and Christianity and I for one will not tolerate such filth and will always defend what is right. I would assume the conflict began immediately after Ayiza joined the forum, click on his avatar to check the date.

    As for Hennie, not my fight, not interested.

    As for reporting, I reported a vulgar avatar yesterday which read "Jesus Sucks", that is inappropriate and I fail to understand why the atheists on this forum feel the need to convert all around them to atheism and insult all religions without a second thought, why can't they continue to not believe without resorting to vulgarity in the hopes of garnering some desperately sought after attention?


    Ayiza - When will you get it through your thick skull that I am not antisemitic and am in reality totally pro Israel and pro Jew? Please stick to the facts, I have politely in the past asked you not to label me anti antisemitic as that amount to nothing more than a blatant lie on your part.

  6. Barend, we are like any other big family, (except the Waltons!). We all agree to disagree, fight , wind each other up and moan one day, and give thumbs up and stars the next day. We like some, and Hennie has put it in writing that he does not like me!!

    Don´t forget to tune in tomorrow.  Otherwise you miss the white flag day episode!! Friday is no politics, racial hatred, just jokes and niceties.  Sort of winding down for the weekend.

    I do not report people, not any regulars, either. But, I have reported a posting about french kiss that was posted repeatedly on one of Bull´s questions, that it took absolutely ages to load!  And I can tolerate a lot of swearing, but really rude s*x things are no go. If someone bugs me too much, then I block them, and their doubles.  I have not even bothered to block Hennie. And I blocked his Hendrik Verwoerd avatar that was created when we had all the troubles with MC, April Fool, multiple personality disorder etc. This week Hennnie decided to bring this avatar back to life and, now that I know who it is, I have unblocked it.

    I have other users on my blocked list. Some get unblocked and violations pick up, so I block them again. I also had major problems with Ayiza at the beginning when he called me some inappropriate names.  I blocked him for a long time, then he also blocked me, But we tolerate each other again.  

    I just blew at Hennie today because he automatically thinks it is Ayiza who reported him. The violation notice has no name to it.  It could have been any one of a million trolls. I am not saying that Ayiza does not report, I really cannot confirm that.

    I was once reported for saying that I thought that Alf had felt insulted when I assumed that he was about 60 because his avatar showed a bald, old man.  Now, to use Hennie´s logic that it MUST have been Alf who reported me, is totally ridiculous!!  

    And if any user has a problem with me or my postings, say so in a civil way, and my email is always open for discussing any problems.

    Res, my rainwater barrel is dry. The rain just seemed to forget about us all the time. I have been using the washing water for the garden!  But, I am not complaining about our lovely sunshine either.

  7. Oh please this is the best soapie in town. I must agree with Inno I quite like Hennies little spell checks especially when he gets mad. But it gets quite addictive and I find myself log on on quite often to see who has answered what.

    BTW Inno : congrats on the TC. I lost mine this weekend with all the violations I got. lol

    I have never reported anybody and won't as I like reading what everybody has to say.

  8. When I first found SA Yahoo, I was quite shocked at the insults that were flying around and the fights etc. They are now very entertaining but the best is to keep your distance and not get involved. If someone deletes your question or gives you TD, don't take it personally, If you receive a rude message in your e-mail, don't respond. Most of the folks here are ok and as I have said to other new joiners, you definitely need a thick skin. Most of all, enjoy yourself - I have even learnt a few things from this section.

    Did report someone but that was for a porno link too......

  9. There is intrigue and drama in  Isidingo, This is more like the comedy hour sometimes. Where else could you go and see grown people using ancient Egyptians as a proof that whites are better than blacks or blacks are better than whites.

    I think it is hilarious that the ones who hurl the most insults around do it from the safety of good old Mother England and when the English language does not have nasty enough words, they switch to Afrikaans, which I grant you seems to have more vile terms to hurl about than English does.

    Hennie doesn't seem to care what people call each other - just, for Heaven's sake spell it correctly!

    Don't worry about Cakes - she is the most level headed lady around - I don't always agree with her but that is one of the nicest things about Cakes - she doesn't go online and insult your heritage if you do disagree with her.

    I once reported someone on another forum for putting a s*x advert as an answer to a kid's request for geography help but I tend to think that reporting people who do not agree with you is small, petty and so much sour grapes. I will leave that to the losers who cannot take criticism of their point of view. It says more about them than it does of the person they have reported. Maybe in that regard it is a tad like Isidingo in here. LOL

  10. It's like a soapie, stay long enough and you will know.

    it's too long for me to explain and dates back to before my YA days

  11. I wont delve into the Ayiza and Bull saga too much, but I think it started when Ayiza told white South Africans to pack it and hit the road (or ocean in this case) and that those Saffers who left SA are traitors and sell outs....

    Hennie on the other hand, I have nothing against him... I enjoy his tutorials on eloquent grammar...they always have hilarious results.

    I only ever reported before the pact.... thats back when Brad Morris and I never imagined hoping each other a good day and asking how the baby is! We've all grown since and come to understand each other and read each others posts without blood tinted glasses.... before I even knew I'd be a mother. I think motherhood and a few shoddy crime experiences between changed some of my views. Havent reported for a long time though...

  12. The fight between me and it(Bull IV)

    Started when I got to this section.

    Its started because Bull always posted racist long rants and he got stars for it.

    So my goal was to be the exact opposite of Bull to turn the table.

    So I had to be racist towards whites since Bull is racist/homophobic/antisemitic.

    I generalized and group everyone like bull does and everyone hated me yet Bull still got thumbs ups for his racist posts so I continued fighting him.

    But now Bull bores me he keeps repeating himself he uses Alf Garnett as a cruch.

    Reb da Rebble

    Is correct I did say I said Expats are sellout. WHY ?

    Because I got GATVOL of people who left SA and yet still talk c**p about us.

    My point was that they left SA so they can stop complain and be happy but they still come here and complain and chase away tourists.

    They give the impression that they want SA to go down.

    You see the difference between me and most here is that I am not here to get point and Thumbs up as a result I have clashed with almost people here because I say things as I see them.

  13. There is just some people on this forum who is out to put people off.

    I have received so many disgusting e-mails from users from this forum the most recent was from Hennie and D405 i just delete them dont even bother to read them.

  14. A lot of it is not serious! Many have love-hate relationships here. A person could spit fire at someone one day, and give them a BA the next.

    Hennie has taken it upon himself to be our own personal spell checker. But he is very often impolite while providing this service.

    Bull and Ayiza have completely different opinions on absolutely everything, especially political issues.

    I have never reported a person and have no intentions of ever doing so. (Except spam)

    Lark: Thanks, I could not keep the sunny day Avatar. It is such a farce because it has been pouring for days; I thought I'd better give myself an umbrella.

    (Umm. Did you bring some friends along Barend, or maybe an enemy?)

    Answer to Barend: The lady Maeve S that answered your question in the most extraordinary way. I can't make head or tail of what she is saying. Thought she might be speaking to you in code.

  15. Lol Honey welcome to the South African online drama,I dont report or give TD's,but I did report once when I was called an alcohlic,I don't drink and the person that called me names send me the vilest e=mails that I had nightmares about it.But like Cakes say don't miss Friday's white flag day,

    And I can asure you,you will find the most genuine friends her,when you're in need of help and friendship you'll find it here,I know I found some wonderfull friends here in my hour of need,so vasbyt en WELKOM!!!!xxxx

    Alf and MJ crumbles but I do not think they mean each other any harm.x*x

  16. stay calm and play vedio game

  17. Barend do not worry too much, I promise you every one fights on here at some or other time. Just be yourself and say and do what YOU want to. You cannot really make enemies on is just an Internet site, do not worry too much. Just enjoy yourself! If you have not P..ed some one off by now, you probably never will, so stop worrying, anyway what can they do to you.....?

    I have reported some one on here......but he/she really needed to be reported. I think the others did too, because the question disappeared with in seconds. It was a stupid, unnecessarily hurtful question. I heard that 2 or 4 people have to report you before you get a violation.

    ADD: Bull and Ayiza have probably allready left for home, as for Hennie, he is 7 or 8 hours ahead of us, so he is probably snoooring away in his bed....

  18. It's like a soapie, you miss one or 2 episodes, but you are right up to scratch after watching 1/2 of the next one.

    It is lots of entertainment.

    Another of the "Big Players" are Alf Garnett and Emjay 1V - lot's of attacks happen between these guys.

  19. Way better than the "Boerebybel" - huisgenoot

  20. You will learn quickly what questions you should rather skip and who you should be careful around. I've been here for about 3 weeks and I'm learning quickly.

    Good luck and Enjoy.

    I have never reported anyone. It feels so wrong and besides, what would happen to free speech if we all started reporting every answer we didn't like?

    ADD: Res, I love your new avatar. Looks really good.

  21. I have been here 2 years and still am too new for this!! LOL

    I have been sent disgusting e-mails from D405 and had so many violations since she some to this forum. Maybe it is just a coincidence but I find it rather strange.

    I sleep very easily at night and don't worry about what goes on here because the people who report me for nothing have anothing else better to do. They must lead a sad life hey!

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