
Im working in dubai and i heard that macau is much better,how can i go there to work.what are the requirements

by  |  earlier

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is that possible that i can be in macau? im a filipina, which is better that im here in dubai or i'll have to go back to my country in the philippines so i can easilly so to much is the cost at least...




  1. I am curious.  Will you tell what you are being paid and your job duties please?  Everyone thinks the wages are incredible when and others say the wages are low and the hours are very long.  

    I know a few people who helped build a casino in Macao and they couldn't wait to get back to the states but the pay was better if you were an American representing the American interest in the project.  Otherwise, you were paid slave wages.

  2. The grass is always greener on the other side...

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