
Im worried about a childs safety who do i contact?

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my niece is staying with my sisters ex boyfriend who is the father of her little brother. he has 5 other kids but doesn't have custody of them. my sister has run off with some friends to new york and i don't think she is coming back. she has run off before and my mom went for custody of her, her real dad gave up his fathers rights to my mom, was thinking about going for custody myself but im only 21 and mom wont support that answer...




  1. That is a hard call. If it was myself i would consider all options, cps child welfare, i would look at the best interest in the child and see if i was able and ready to care for the child myself. sometimes we may want to do things to help and we just arent able , if you have a husband or spouse talk with them about it, i would allso find a counsler or therapist to talk it over with, best of luck to you

  2. If  the custodial parent has left the child in the care of  someone that is not a family member or that has no legal representation over that child I think that is grounds for abandonment. I would have your mother or the next of kin to that child contact your local police department an child welfare services so that the child can be placed with a family member and the mother can be charged when and if she returns.

  3. At school? Daycare? With another parent? You need to provide more details.

    CPS would probably be your best bet in any case.

  4. Call CPS (children's protective services).

  5. CPS or the child welfare office in your local area.  They should be able to help.  If it is an emergency and you feel the child is in life threating situation now contact the police.

  6. the local police and then back off and let them do their job.

  7. I would start with the DEFACS office (Department of Families and Children).  You could also google an exact number that you should call for our specific location.  I have had to call in an annonymous report before, though, and started by calling DEFACS.  They will connect you with the appropriate individual that you may need to speak with.

  8. while your figuring out who to and how to contact someone i would make all excuses in the world to spend time with her like call and say you want to take her to dinner or you want to spend the day with her as much as possible, so you are protecting her and you are seeing for yourself and proving to your mom that you can better care for her than him and she will be comfortable with you and she might tell the courts when it comes down to it she wants to be with you. good luck to you and her.

  9. well first thing CALL CPS. give them all your info, and what the situation with the other child and their parentsis. if you want to remain annonymous u can.

  10. child protective services

    good luck! i'm going through that type of a situation now!

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