she has for the past week been acting so weird..she has been distant and been sleeping in her crate depressed, not wanting to train in the feild or at the club not wanting to walk freaks out when we put her outside everything she loves shes ignoring including me and my son..last night she was whinning/growling running back and fourth with a teddy bear, and glased eyes hudge pupils, she had me so worried i felt like she may bite me ( i have never felt that way about her) so at that point i took her for a jog, that she usually loves, well she just sat there like a training puppy...then today loose stool, i went into the emergency we went in to insure it was not bloat, so now to her personal vet monday...346.00 later what now?? brooklyn is well socialized with humans and dogs shes a jogger and usually loves to jog in the rain but im wondering if the hurricaine over florida (where we live) is triggering these odd behaivors...hence the not wanting to run or go outside?? oh and today also she was at the shop with me and she was laying on her bed a groomers daughter whom she usually loves to play with lay by her, brooklyn almost went into a cunvoltion she was shaking so bad scared... the poor girl was crying thinking she had done something wrong, i just dont understand?? any insight will be nice.