
Im worried about losing a friend?

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my friend like this guy and i dont think dat hes right for her, me and her have a kind of relationship that makes us a little bit more then friends well we have kissed and she has told me that she has feeling for me 2 but now when i see her around this guy i feel threaten that he's goin to mess up what me and her have. I really like her and she knows t but she says that since im younger then her she rather wait till im older and im alright with that and i kno she has the liberty to do what she pleases with other pple but i just feel jealously when she starts sayin that shes goin out with this guy sumwhere and things like that, he has cheated on her be4 and i just dont want her to get hurt again. by the way shes 20 and im 17




  1. MOVE ON!

    Don't save yourself for her alone, start looking... She is obviously not holding out and waiting for you!  If she were seriously interrested in you as something more than friends... she would be blowing off all other advances from guys.

    Just go your separate way and if things were meant to be... then maybe later in your life... they will happen that way.  If she is not "the one" that is meant for you at least you won't have spent a lot of the good years of your life pining for her.

    Tell her that you are interested in her and that you want to be exclusive with her.  She will either say yes or no.  If she says yes... great, if she says no, you need to move on for your own mental health and self esteem.  You can't watch as she parades men past you hoping she'll one day be willing to be with just you.  You are selling yourself short!  

    Break free and try to date other people.  It will help your self esteem and it might make her miss what she had.  Don't waste your time on jealousy.  The other guy doesn't have anything that you don't have.  She is obviously just not ready to be serious with you in a relationship.

    Good luck and I hope you find someone who is worth your time, effort, and your jealousy.  You sound like a very caring, giving, and patient man.

  2. Tell her all the stuff you just said. You should be honest with your friends if she is a good friend she will understand.

  3. This is not what you are going to want to hear so I will say it now thanks for the 2 points.  You should put your feelings a side, and move on.  Take her up on what she told, and she did say not now so you need to respect that.  A lot of people for some reason don't like being straight with their communication when they say not now, and you really should take it to meaning not ever.  You will find somebody else, and remember love is a two way street.  If she had the same feelings you did she would be with you...remember that.

  4. well i'd have to agree with waiting, it's ilegal to go with someone that much older. don't worry if she cares, she'll keep her promise

  5. sometimes you have to warn pple of the damage ahead of them. for instant ask her why is she staying with a guy who as cheat on her before and since you cant stand the guy it best to let her know you true feeling towarfd her and also let her know you can stand the guy she with. and if she doesnt seem to be listen give her sometimes to thing\k about it and in the mean time give her some time by her self  

  6. tell her....and when u do she will break up w/ him and b w/ u!! it all works out perfectly! =)

  7. Dude, it sounds like you are worried about losing more than just her friendship.  It sounds like you love her. As a friend maybe you should tell her more about how you really feel. Let her know that you see that this dude is most likely going to end up hurting her and let her know how much you care about and love you two's relationship.  I hope I helped at least a little bit.

  8. beat the c**p out of the second guy.. jk dont do it, but i guess you should just talk to her abuot your feelings

  9. Well. Say you care enough about her that you don't want her to get hurt with this new guy. Tell her how much you care, how broken-hearted you would be if you guys drifted apart. She may start to feel empathy and guilt. If she goes for they guy don't ***** at her about it, that will make her more mad. Be calm and sweet. If she loses you for someone else, maybe she wasn't right for you, if she did that she would really not care. I hope it all works out for you. I'm not a psychologist lol but that's some acute advice.

  10. yag

  11. u better stay as a friend..........

  12. i don't know man.

    wow! try what's feels right.

  13. She has already told you she has feelings for you and you did nothing!  Well this is happening because of your own stupidity. You let her slip right out of your hand.  You had her.  So since you didn't do anything about the way you felt for her, she has moved on.  If you want to be with her this is your time to make your move or lose her all together.  In most states, 17 is the legal age of consent.

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