
Im worried about my b***s please answer?

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when putting my fake tan on my chest last night i felt a hard gristle type section under the skin of my left boob, theres 1 in the right 2 but not nearly so large, also my left boob seems bigger than the right (i neva noticed this b4)

my mom had a feel and sed it feels ok 2 her but im worried.

my left boob is now quite painfull, iv neva sufferen with sore b***s before.

im 20 (21 sept)

(iv posted this in health and pregancy as i am hoping to be pregnant and wondad if this could be a symptom at all period due 28th aug)

please answer.




  1. Hey! Sounds like you could be pregnant too. Everyone says that the sore and swollen b***s are one of the first signs of being pregnant. Heres hoping for no AF come the 28th! Good Luck.

  2. You said "Please answer" and as I was just passing, I thought I would:

    I'm a nuclear physicist and part-time Olympic weight-lifter and I know only so much about b***s (particularly as I don't have any of the female variety myself).  Why would you expect perfect strangers to be able to answer this question with any degree of accuracy?

    As has been said n-billion times before:

    "go to your doctor"  

    He/she can have a squint at them and give you a PROFESSIONAL answer.    

  3. if i was you id go see your gp incase there is something wrong

    good luck and fingers crossed you are pregnant x x

  4. estrogen and progesterone cause a hormone surge. Along with the hormone surge, your b*****s are beginning to increase in size as the fat layer thickens and you add milk glands and extra blood

    this can be before a pregnancy

  5. If your really worried about it then go and see your doctor.

    and it's not uncommon for your b***s to look different sizes.

  6. Your period is due in only 2 days (which is a good thing this way you wont have to wait too long to take a test)

    Do you have any other symptoms? like noticing that you are hungrier than usual? a little nauseated at one time or another of the day?

    The sore b*****s alone can be a symptom too... try to notice something else.

    Good luck

  7. so go see a doctor no one on here can diagnose whats wrong with you.

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