
Im worried about my upcoming Cartilage peircing plz help!?

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okay so i am goin to get my cartilage peirced nd im kinda worried. Some ppl say it hurts nd some ppl say its nothin. im not worried about the after feeling nd the sleeping part im just worried about gettin it pierced. also wats better: gun or needle? plz help. thnx in advance :]




  1. NEEDLE! the gun will shatter your cartilage. (which will hurt...)

    sleep with a soft pillow and sleep on the side not pierced.

    It does hurt, alittle.  

  2. I know it seems as if the gun would be better and less painful, but it's really not.  It's actually illegal to use in some places.  If there was nothing wrong with the gun, then it wouldn't be illegal.  The needle is sharper than the earrings they put in the gun, so it goes through smoother with less force, which causes less trauma to the ear.  The gun shoves the earring through your ear with way too much force, so it takes longer to heal and it's more likely to cause damage.  Also, the piercing gun cannot be sterilized.  The way they clean it is by swiping it with alcohol between uses.  Would you want your blood drawn with the same needle used on a stranger?  I doubt it.  Go with the needle.  It'll turn out better, heal faster, and hurt much less.  It's a little more expensive, but it's worth it.

  3. First off, don't get it pierced w/ a gun, they can shatter your cartilage causing infection, bumps and delayed healing process. As for the pain everyone has different pain tolerance so what may be painful to them might not be as painful to you, honestly the cartilage is not painful, more like a hard pinch that last for a few seconds during the piercing. Just don't sleep on the side you get it on until the swelling goes down since it can be slightly painful.  

  4. really

    i don't believe anything these other people say

    i got my second hole in my lobe and also 3rd in my cartilige

    honestly i think my 2nd hole hurt more

    and i got all 3 of my holes done with a  gun

  5. Good lord child chatspeak much?

    Anyway... NEEDLE IS BETTER.  Do NOT let anybody tell you otherwise.  Nasty, nasty things happen when cartilage piercings go wrong with a gun.  I've got a few cartilage piercings, and I've helped a lot of people find places to get theirs pierced.

    The pain isnt that bad.  Its the sleeping thats worse.  Just bring advil with you, and when youre sure the bleeding (if any) has stopped, take some.  It only takes a few seconds!

    And truuust me.  I know Im only some person on the internet, but its so dangerous to have your ear pierced with a gun!

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