
Im worried about seeing dead people?

by Guest67121  |  earlier

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I am serious, I see dead things. I'm 14 and I get scared shitless, somtimes i dont sleep for days, and I only get to sleep if i take pills. I have been to child phico people, but they say I'm fine. I listen in on what they say to my parents. they mostly say things like 'He just wants atention'

This is a last resort to any help please give my your opinions.





  1. since you firmly belive that you are bein visited by the dead, I want you to stop and think, have you ever been hurt? No, have you ever been afraid of dogs jumping on you?Yes, Why do you think that they have picked you to bother? because you respond. 1. dont respond, roll over and go to sleep.2. If a dog jumps on you , pet it you have the perfect pet , no food no p**p.I know you dont belive in all that attention c**p, so turn it around, start paying more attention to your parents, fun stuff, now it has to be fun for them , have them teach you some card games, If you know something that really intrests you mom or dad take that subject and start asking about it. Anything ,hows it work, why does it do that, whats the outcome. Iknow I sound corny  and old, but when I was your age I had the same problem, I later found out it has a lot do do with going through puberty. It will not be long before everything will stop. good luck and good wishes

  2. pull the other one!!

  3. get a life

  4. You have the symptoms of psychosis due to sleep deprivation.

  5. Asking all the time will not help you!!

  6. convince yourself that you dont see them. If that doesnt work then just ignore them when they show up dont be scared n stuff and eventually they wont show up anymore. Its in ur head!!

  7. I would let your parents read your question. If you don't want to do that - then write them a letter explaining your problem. Maybe they need to bring you to a new doctor. **Psychiatrist ***  not psychologist.  A psychiatrist may diagnose a problem that medication may help.  In the meantime try sleeping with the TV on and see if it distracts your thoughts...  Try only letting nice thoughts in.  Try working out until you sweat.

  8. lolwut.

  9. You already asked this question.;...

  10. if your not making that up, thats really scary!!!! some people believe that there are certain kind of people that can like "feel the spirits" i dont really know what advice to give you, but if you are really serious, you should try explaining to your parents.

  11. when you see them just say '' i know your there please leave me alone'' dont act scared they cannot hurt you

  12. sounds like from the Bruce Willis movie 'Sixth Sense'.

    If you are a Christian, I suggest go to a priest for advice.

    Meanwhile, as a temporary measure, wear a real ugly mask when you go to sleep.

    Frighten them back instead when 'they' visit you next time.

    News will spread by word of mouth and less of them will dare to pay you a visit in the future.

  13. Is this for real?

    Or have you recently rented 'Sixth Sense?'

  14. I know that you are worried it is normal to at your age. Have you try and speak to them or cant you yet maybe you can try and that will help I can not speak to them but I can smell them or other times see them but they don't bother me I was very scared when I saw one I was but only 6 of age

  15. Do Not Be Afraid.  I know it's hard but, that energy you give off when you're frightened increases their energy.  They can't hurt you, and are probably looking for help.  If you want more info,  e-mail me.

  16. Shut your eyes when they come.

  17. You're psychotic or a liar.

  18. My mom is really big in sonia and sylvia brown they might help u with like spirits and spriy guides check it out it will really help trust me

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