
Im worried about showering in gym class?

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Next year (a week and a half from now) i start high school and i keep hearing u hav 2 shower in gym class and im wel smaller than normal lyk less than 4 inches so im rly worried about having 2 shower in front of other guys im not in great shape but im fine w/ the way i look its mostly jst the size thing

wat am i supposed 2 do and do they rly make u shower cuz frankly im lazy in p.e. and usually slack off so i dont sweat 2 much




  1. in my school they don't make you and if they do we have seperate showers. but if they do and your that worried shower with someshorts on.

  2. Dude every guy is goin thru this same c**p.  After a couple weeks of showering you won't even think about it no more.

    No other guys are gonna be examining your p***s.  And if someone does be a jerk and make a comment then you just say something like "oh so why are you lookin at my p***s anyhow?".  That's what i have done and it shuts em up quick.

    Don't skip the showering tho cuz you will smell and you will feel icky the rest of the day.

  3. depends on the school pretty much and just sai i didnt do anything in gym and leave w/o the shower

  4. well shower in ur jox or simply get over it. the other boys are gonna be thinking the same thing anbout themselves

  5. Shower with your swim shorts on

  6. i guess it's the school because at my highschool we only showered after the swimming unit and we were in our bathing suits.

  7. Do not wear shorts in the shower.  You will be ridiculed until graduation day.  Any guy who has had to shower in gym will tell you not to do this.

    Things have changed since I was in school, but we were always required to take a shower, regardless of how much we sweated as individuals.

    Most guys are very close in size when they are flaccid.  Yes, there will be guys bigger than you, but there will also be guys your size and smaller.  Yes, smaller.  I was smaller than that at your age (I'm assuming you're 14-15), and I had no pubes until after 10th grade.  I was never harassed about my size or lack of hair, and I wasn't the only one like that.

    I understand that you're nervous, but everyone else will be too.  You'll be surprised how quick you get used to this - in just a week or two.  The main thing to do is to not do anything differently than the rest of the guys.  Don't go hide to change - change where everyone else does.  Don't wear shorts, underwear, or a swimming suit unless everyone does (and they won't).  If you act comfortable with the situation, you will be.  

  8. Hey I am 40 years old and When I was your age I worried about the whole shower thing.  Now it seems like who really gave a hoot about the size of our p***s.  By the way you are not finished growing yet so do not sweat it.  As long as it works when you need it to you will be fine.  Tell the to take a hike really. These 4 years do not determine the rest of your life.  

  9. This like going through the rite of passage as teen age boy.  Been there done that.  We had to change to PE uniform from shorts to supporter.  Also had to take showers following PE class. Every teen will get nervous about being naked around his peers.  The locker room and shower are places guys will be naked.

  10. I get how you might be nervous.

    I don't know about the whole showering thing.

    But seriously if they go at you for it being small then they are jerks.#

  11. yea its probably just a rumor. They never make you take a shower

  12. tie a hot dog to it.

  13. you shouldn't worried and as long as it works well and your girl friend happy with it that's all. tell the boys to back off if they say sh*t about your size. i was worried and embrass when i went to bally total fitness after work out, i was taking shower with my shorts and undie on, when i changed i put a towel to cover, i realize guys think i am more weird and nobody cares your size unless they are *ay.

  14. Deal with it....

  15. if your p***s is 4" soft then you are not the one who should be worried about being see naked

    most boy may take a quick look at each other but that's it

    get in and get out

    it's no big deal

    we are all the same

  16. i don't find that a problem. you should be fine. but if you're bothered by it, here's what you should have. first, showering gloves. you will need this just incase you will get into trouble so that you can grab things and not slip. you can fight and not to worry if your punches will just slide of your enemy's face. secondly, get into boxing. and don't forget, the showering gloves are also great to clean yourself. :D

  17. im a junior in highschool. and no they dont make you although it is an option

  18. LOL!  If some jerk comments on the size of your p***s then put the word out that hes a c**k watcher.

  19. The average p***s size in a fully adult male is between 4.5-6 inches Erect.

    So if you are less than 4 either flacid or erect you are doing fine.. you are just starting highschool for god sake!!

    Dont be shy, I can guarentee you there will be other boys going through the same thing as you... They will not have a fully developed p***s/testicles/pubic hair...

    Trust me.... You will not be the smallest in the showers! I used to feel the same way..

    But you know what! you have what you have.. just be proud of it!! and s***w what the other boys say!!

  20. i think that is the least of your problems//why not concentrate on your spelling/grammar/pronunciation and punctuation as your letter shows signs of laziness which you admit you are

  21. Yea, dude... guys are going to stare at your groin and examine other guys to see who's got the biggest most throbbing unit...and then they'll ridicule you because you're not turning them

    If anyone says anything, just give them a crusty look and scream "f*g!"

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