
Im worried about skool, my friends all hate me!! ?

by  |  earlier

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this all started because my friend told all the girls my secrets like who i thought was the meanest. the girls and boys hate me!! now my brothers joining high school and my friends all make fun of him , i'm worried about him and myself. What shall i do?




  1. When I went to Galway, I met a load of bawdy rugby players. They were great fun!  

  2. Mind over matter. if you dont mind they dont matter. First get a cat. This will help relieve stress.

  3. You SHOULD be worried about school - seeing as how you can't even spell the word.

  4. Find new friends and stand up for your self don't let people push around

    i would suggest reading the book SPEAK  it's not like your story and her story are alike but there are similar

  5. probably u're not an active person [not to be necessary in sport]school and u are . U should socialized more with people and not just keep to yourself.  

  6. thats isn't fair some friend she is

    if they're making fun of your brother they can't be your friends

    surely there are some people in your school you don't care or listen to your friend who will befriend you and be a proper friend sounds like its time to leave your so called friends and get some tidy/real ones

    stand up to them - be as confident as you can and tell them straight that they are the horrible people ( maybe not in these words) becasue they are the ones who have caused all this trouble

    they are immature and if they will tell your secrets then they will turn aronud and do the same to each other

    in the meantime if you hurt anyone you could apologise and say that you didnt mean it you said it when you were angry one day and those people who said that you said it only told everyone because they hate you and want to see you miserable

    anyway dont worry about all this

    you'll get older and lose all those people who are not worth your friendship- when i was young i had a friend who told all my secrets and constantly picked on me now i dont bother with her, i became as confident as her and she could not bother me anymore

    confidence grows as you grow older and is very helpful in life for social reasons, for work and would help you now

  7. Worry about school work and nothing else. Cause college is whats gonna matter not high school bull sh*t. don't even pay attention to them be more mature than they are.  

  8. Ask your parents if you can go to a new school if that won't work stand up for yourself and tell a teacher - if you think thats too tatltale-ish (spelling?) then ask your parents

  9. Learn from your lesson. don't talk behind peoples back, because they'll come and bite you in the butt!

  10. ask your perents if you can be home schooled i am  

  11. School ...If you say they are your friends and they hate you they are NOT your friends ..time to make some new ones or deny you ever said anything

  12. don't worry to much aye, it was the same with me my friend hated me but it will past they will forget and move on and like you again.

    Just do whatever it takes to become their friends again. be nice and yeahh dont worry to much everything will turn out.


  13. just get on with your life and it will pass. if it gets bad and you are being bullied talk to a teacher.

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