
Im worried bout plane traveling??

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soo we are traveling soon, and i havent rode a plane before, and i just want to know a little more about it,

how many bags can you take?

is the security check easy?

i got a email telling me all my flight infromation, i think thats what the ticket is, but im not sure?

anyone have a clue? cuz i dont all

im worried :S

please just give me any info you have, im flying to NY by the way :)




  1. well, you can take as many bags as you want but the limit for the weight is 50 pounds. you can't go over it. the security check is easy, you just have to go through the passport stuff, get you bags checked, and board. if you get lost, you can always follow the person in front of you, they will have to go through the same process, or you can ask an officer. but make sure you plan everything correctly, or else you might miss you flight. it is always best to arrive earlier than planned, just in case you ask or try to find the next station. safe trip!!

  2. Last time I flew was in '03. I'll never fly again. It's turned into one big pain. I had to take my bloody boots off, fer christ's sake. One carry-on, no checked bags for me, especially since they're charging for 'em. $5 for a beer was crazy, they want $7??? Insane. But, at least the top didn't come off...

  3. don't know about how many bags you can take. but i don't see why you'd take so many clothes with you if you're going to ny since you'll be buying more stuff.. right?

    planes to me are... nauseating but it's only cause i get motion sickness like crazy.. but everyone i know say that it doesn't feel like anything.. it's just loud.

    security check is NOT easy. you're not allowede to take things in big containers. cause the last time i went i brought perfume and they almost had to throw it out but whatever fits in a plastic bag is fine. you're not even allowed to bring bottled water, so don't buy any before you get on. don't bring you're own food cause you can't do that either.

    have fun on your trip!

  4. Most airlines are now only allowing one checked bag. Go to the airline website (not here!) and it will tell you.

    Also, any liquids you carry with you in your carry-on bag have to be less than 3.5 ozs. Perfumes, lotions, make-up... if it's liquid, it's best to put it in your checked bag. Go too for a complete list of what you can and can't carry onboard.

    Other than that - it's all simple. If you can read, you can fly. All you have to do is get to the gate, get on the plane, fasten your seat belt and chill out for a while.

  5. Well, Ive ridden on planes since i was basically born... it really depends on the specific plane company ur travelling on... You can take 2 bags (per person) for no additional charge... but in recent history i, personally have only taken one, 2 bags is sometimes alot to keep up with. u usually get ur ticket when you check in your bags, but bring the flight info anyway. just to let u know... when u 1st get on the plane it may smell weird, its always like that. but good luck and have a great trip =]

  6. you can check one bag and carry on two small ones (i.e. purse/briefcase and another small bag)  You can check a second bag but you will have to pay a fee

    security is not bad.  Wear loafers or sandals as you have to take your shoes off when going through the metal detector.

    laptop computers have to go through the scanner by themselves so take them out of the briefcase and place it in a bin.  no liquids can be brought through security.  Any toiletries that are liquid or gel need to be together in a clear zip lock back and can not be more than 3.5 oz

    you most likely have an eticket and will be issued a boarding pass when you check in, but you can call the airline to confirm

    If you are really freeked out about flying your family doctor can prescibe a sedative to make it easier for you

  7. dont worry, when you get to the terminal you need to decide where you will park, so just follow the signs

    then when you walk into the terminal and just follow the signs to whatever aiplane company you bought the tickets with

    I think you can have 1 carry on and 2 check bags, make sure not to pack your bags extremely heavy becuase you may need to pay extra, when you go through security make sure you dont have any liquids or lotions, it can be quick or slow, but it all depends on your aiport, time of day, etc.

  8. dont worry about it all....... and!!!!!!!!!!!!!! u havnt been on a plane b4!!!!!! wat r u like 16 years old and u havnt been on a plane. thats so stupid

  9. Dont worry!! Its not bad at all!  You may take 2 pieces of checked baggage, one carry on and one personal bag(something that will fit under the seat in front of you).  Security is simple, just follow everyone else and they will let you know what you have to do.  Print out your e-ticket and take it to the check in counter at the airport.  They will then check your big luggage and give you your boarding passes.  You will head through security, find your gate and then wait until its time to board.  I hope I helped a bit!

  10. OK, bring your Drivers License or Passport and a major credit card or debit card with a credit logo on it.

    When you get to the air port, if you don't check curb-side, you can go to the self-check in and you insert your credit card to confirm that it is you.

    Get to the air port a MINIMUM of an hour early. Depending on the time of day and the specific airport, the lines can get huge...

    I'm almost glad I am disable because I request a wheelchair to take me to the gate and that means a cut in line through security.

    Just stay calm... Take off your shoes... Put everything you have in the bin to go through the X-Ray Machine and don't freak if they choose you to 'random check'.

    I got pulled for a "Random Check" 4 our of the last 8 times I have flown and I"m just this disabled red-head that wouldn't hurt a fly...

    Make sure that your bag locks are FDA Approved... Buy the right kind at Target or even Walgreens...

    The #1 thing to remember is that everyone at the air port is just doing their jobs and have to deal with 10x more c**p then you do... So just stay mellow, be nice, and just remember how much stress they are under... They EXPECT you to yell at them so if you smile and act nice, they will work with you a LOT more then if you cop an attitude with them...

    When you get to the gate, go up to the counter and ask to be put on the "Upgrade List". If they have empty 1st class seats, they can upgrade people and if you don't ask, they won't choose you!

    You can check 2 bag's... each weighting up to 50 pounds.

    You can bring 2 bags as carry on... One carry on suit case and one "Personal Item" like a purse, back pack, laptop case, breifcase... Exc.

    While waiting to get on the plane, organize your stuff so that you can pull out your personal items as fast as possible while trying to get seated on the plane... I put as much as I can in bag's INSIDE my carry on so that when I get to my seat, I can unzip and pull out a bag that has my CD's, CD Player, Headphones, Book, Snacks... Whatever I want to use to keep me occupied while on the flight... Then you can just rezip and shove the carry on in to the over head compartment.

    If you are heavy and you feel that the seat belt is too tight, don't hesitate to ask the flight attendent for a "Seat Belt Extender". Each airplane has different sized seatbelts and on some of them... Anyone bigger then a size 6 gets squeezed. (My father is six foot three and 300 pounds of whoopass... I know about people feeling squeezed in the seats! LOL!)

    Go to and find your airline and plane type and it will tell you anything and everything you need to know about the plane that you will be flying on.

    I NEVER book a flight without checking with seatguru!!

    Um, what else...

    OH! Stastically, you are 100X more likely to be killed DRIVING TO THE AIRPORT then you are to be involved in a plane crash...

    Don't freak out about bumps and thumps and take off and landing...

    I fly 2 to 6 times a year... Every year... Since the age of 5 and I am still alive!! I've flown across the ocean a dozen times and nothing has ever happened...

    Just bring some ear plugs, an eye mask, and lean back in your chair and block out the bounces...

    Good luck!

    I have to be at the air port tomorrow at 4:45am and have to be on the Subway at 3:15am so I have a LOT more reason to be pissed off then you do to be jittery! LOL!

  11. i'll be traveling by myself tomorrow!!! so technically, we're both in the same situation cause i normally travel with my mom but now i'm by myself. i'm nervous and clueless just like you but dont worry cause theres tons of people there that will help you.

  12. Yea, its pretty hard out. You do have an aweful lot to worry about, but you will come through the other end just fine.

  13. You can take the e-mail you got and print it, then take that along with you photo ID to the counter at the airport and they will check you in.  Don't be nervous about flying.  I always stay up late the night before I travel(either packing or just hanging out with friends) so that when I get on the plane I fall asleep and not worry about the flight.  You are allowed one carry on bag(usually) and your purse so that it fits under your seat or in the over head compartment.  Security check is fairly easy, just make sure you don't have any liquids(water,soda, juice, mouthwash, hairspray) or sharp objects (no, tweezers, needles, scissors, etc.).  Well, I hope you have a nice trip, I have never been to NY.  Have fun & good luck!

  14. im a training pilot, its all safe, security checks, lift your arms as they scan you you may have to take a belt off but youl be fine, dont cary weapons, lugguage is universal 22kg i believe get there 2 hours before departure, youl be ok


  15. hey i have flown on a 13 hour flight to russia and an 8 hour flight to france! don't worry everything is fine!

    security check is extremely easy but time-consuming if there are a lot of lines.

    well your flight information will tell you what gate to go to, and in the airport there will be signs as where to go. its very simple. i believe you can take two bags, and a carry-on but have to pay extra for more than two bags.

    there are alwas people scattered all over the airport to help you, so dont worry!

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