
Im worried for my cat but my parents dont care

by  |  earlier

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they say its alot of money my cats 15 or 16 but i dont want her to die the way she is shes getting thinner by the day :( and nowing she had a seizure mad me really upset becuz they laughed about it.




  1. If the cat needs medical attention and your parents will not support you in finding it call the police. That is a strong argument for animal cruelty which is against the law in all states. Ownership of an animal legally ties it's owner to being liable for it's physical health. Sorry you have to deal with this but do it for the poor cat.  

  2. I don't know what to tell you. If your parents say they can't afford to get this cat checked out well, that's the word. Seeing this cat is up there in her years it could be something very wrong with her. It's sad to know that your parents laughed about this poor old girl being so sick. I really wish I had the answer for you, but, I don't. Kitty needs medical attention, but, by the looks of it your parent's think differently.

  3. I'm so sorry to hear that. that's very sad to know your parents feel that way about a family member. I have a 14yr female and would be devastated to not be able to take her to the vet. I would do whatever is necessary and talk to your parents, they are the ADULTS! they should care! I hope and pray your kitty gets better. Good Luck!!!

  4. I would just call the vet yourself and tell him/her whats going on. Who knows? Maybe the vet will care more about your cat than money!! =O Go to one of those sites that has a list of "when to bring your cat to the vet". Print it out and show it to your parents. Might help!

    Try to make your kitty as comfortable as possible, and good luck!!

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