
Im worried!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

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my mom went on a date and its about 10:36 PM and im worried. i tried calling her cell phone but she wouldn't pick up. what should i do.




  1. 10:30 is pretty early for an adult date-maybe they are at a movie and she's not answering th phone. Don't worry!

  2. Calm down.Calm down.You must think that your mom is a grown woman and she knows how to protect herself.Think of all the positive possibilities that your mom could be doing.Maybe she is just really interested with this guy.Maybe she is having more of a good time with him.Don't think so negative.Maybe she didn't pick up her phone because she is busy.Maybe she is in the bathroom and left her phone in the restaurant or theater.If she doesn't return by midnight or later then maybe you should worry a little.GOD is protecting her.Have some faith in GOD.She's an adult.I really hope that I helped you so GOD BLESS you!

  3. she might just be having a good time,  txt her and tell her your really worried and to call you quick =]

  4. Most ppl turn off their cells for privacy.

    calm down and do something else.  

  5. Your mom is fine she is probably just having a great time with her date. I wouldn't call out the dogs yet at least not untill 12 midnight.

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