
Im writing a book please help?

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ok im writing a book which will contian numerous short stories...

im asking you a couple of questions i hope you answer..

1) If i get this done what will it cost to get it edited and published?

2)if i do it what would the price be if i turned it into a movie or a tv series?

#3) what would the pay be at that point




  1. those are the variables in a complicated equation and no one can answer until the blanks are filled in.

      gather your written material in a printable format, print your first copy, then seek publishing on-line

    2 and 3 will follow, if and when, don't get too far ahead of yourself

  2. If you are having to ask this on Yahoo Answers, then trust me, no one is going to pay anything to turn your book into a movie or TV series, or even to get it published. I suggest you try

    It's a self-publishing website, and some books that started out there have gone on to be successful. It will cost you nothing to get started.

  3. Here's the reality: the actual percentage of writers who make it to steps 2 and 3 is less than 5% tops.

    However, IF you have a couple of your shorts published in a real magazine or short story collection, that will aid in getting publishers interested in the rest - possibly. Printing it online doesn't count as published.

    There are a lot of self-publishing websites around. Google is your friend. And most modern writing programmes on a computer allow you to print just like a book. IF you manage to sell a few copies to friends and family, technically that makes you a sold author, albeit one taking the 'vanity' route.

  4. There is a great article called "the publishing process" on a writing site - --- it explains pretty much everything. - good luck!

  5. Kiwee had good advice.   Also, if you spend money to get it published, then you will also have to market it (get bookstores to sell it).  It is far better to have a book publisher publish it.  That will cost you nothing.   Kiwee is wise in suggesting you get a short story published in a magazine first.  Since it does cost a lot of money to publish a book, publishers will be much more open to you if you have been published before.  To them that means your work has a chance of making money in the market place.

    If you have no one to turn to who will help you with the editing, it will cost $200 to $300 to pay someone to edit it for you.   I suggest you use Word.   Also, publishers have very specific requirements about the size of type, the size of the margins and the spacing.   If you cannot find these requirements on line, Writers Market is a book published every year that has all American publishers in it and what their requirements are.   If you ignore their requirements and send them an unsolicited manuscript, they will probably send it back to you unread.

    You're getting way ahead of yourself by thinking of making a movie or T.V. series out of it.   IF you are able to sell your book to a publisher, you will want to retain the rights to turn it into film.  Sometimes, the publisher will agree to publish your book but you give up all rights to it after that.   It's best to get an agent if you need someone to insure  you retain certain rights over your work.

    If you turn your book into a script, I suggest you get some scriptwriting software because producers are very particular about the lay out of a movie or television script.   You can purchase a copy of a script and see what they look like.

    Once you have it in script form, you will have to get an agent because producers will not look at an unsolicited manuscript from a newby.   They don't want to get sued.   You can pay the Library of Congress $35 and get copyrighted or you can give copies to all your relatives to prove it is your original script.

    The usual price for a box office movie is $200,000.   You will have to join the union, however, before you sell any scripts in Hollywood.  I don't know the cost of a one hour script.  

    You'll be lucky, however, to get it published at all.   You should know that authors edit their own work and the best work is rewritten several times.   That's the hardest part.   Anyone can throw a story together, but rewriting it over and over until it is a work of art, THAT is the hard part.  Sydney Sheldon takes years to write and rewrite before he publishes.

    Stephen King was rejected 600 times before he got published.   Be prepared to submit your work over and over again.   You should be going to writing workshops and reading writing magazines and how to books on writing if you're serious.   Anything worth having is worth working your butt off for and if you want to be published, you're going to have to work your butt off.

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