
Image Size and Quality (not again !) Is there a "recommended" setting ?

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I tried to get my answer by reading many previous questions on this subject in Answers as well as Nikon 40 owners manual and other books . But I have to admit : I still don't get it.

The manual says to put the size on Large (default) and "Basic" quality. I have seen other Answers that say best to put it on "fine'.

However, I almost always view photos on my Dell Monitor and share with friends via email. I see no difference between my photos saved on the highest compression and largest size than when reduced to the smallest size and compression when viewed on my computer.

Is the reason to shoot at the largest size and highest compression to insure you can print a very large photo should that rare event (for me ) ever happen?

If you don't intend to print more than 5x7 , is there a "recomended size?

If you never intend to print , is there any reason to choose other than the smallest selections?

Sorry for such a long question .




  1. Most sensible photographers ALWAYS shoot in the highest resolution and lowest compression available. So, you should shoot in Large/Fine. The least amount an image is compressed, the better it looks.

    If you need smaller image files for emailing etc, then you should use your photo editor to copy the file and then re-size the copy only. That way, you always have the original file.

    Shooting in the largest resolution does allow for large size prints, but it also allows for heavy cropping if you need it.

    Regarding, image sizes...imagine if one day you took a fantastic image that you really wanted to enlarge, but couldn't, because you shot it in a lower resolution...

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