
Images from internet blurred when enlarging in a Word document.?

by  |  earlier

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I have copied and pasted images from Yahoo and Google Images into a new Word document and enlarged them to print in A4 size, but the larger I make them the more blurred and distorted they are. Is there a way to enlarge them but still keep the images crisp?




  1. Its probably cas images of the net are of low resolution cas they are small files. When you blow them up they will look pixalated. For A4 you will need files of at least 100kb.

  2. Not unless you can find a higher resolution image from the web. If you can't find a higher resolution image then you will have to keep them small in your document in order for them to remain clear.

  3. The photo is to small.  You need a larger one.

  4. No...they dont have enough need high resoloution images...most images on the net dont enlarge very is all to do with the DPI...dots per inch.

  5. On google there is an option to search for "Large" images, these are usually higher resolution and will be better suited to enlargement, also make sure you click on the link on the google page and go to the original image not the one displayed by google images, this will be a low quality bitmap image.

  6. You could try copying them to MS paint? and then copying them back to Word?

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