
Imaginary friends or spirits ?

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Do you think children have imaginary friends , or are they seeing spirits ?




  1. This is a wide open question. the answer is not all children see or have imaginary friends. However those that do in many cases it is just the child pretending. That is normal. In some cases the imaginary friend is real that is yes it is a ghost. Not all children who have an imaginary friend is seeing a ghost like I already said it is just pretend but there are ghosts who are the invisible friend that the parents cannot see but the child does.

    I believe it is rare for a child to see ghosts but that is just my opinion. There is no way to prove one way or other.


  2. I read with interest the humorous opinions of people who are claiming that these imaginary friends of children are "spirits" or even "angels".

    Children also believe in Santa, the Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy and Unicorns too.

    My own daughter has had an imaginary friend since she was about 18 months old - she is coming up to 7 soon. She can describe her in perfect detail, name, age,  hair colour, size etc. But at no stage has she ever said she can actually 'see' her friend. She has had full conversations with her imaginary friend. Just a point here though they are called 'imaginary' for a reason. Because they are simply doing that - creative play acting. Most children have this illusion and it is indeed a normal part of growing and discovering. It is actually even essential to their lateral thinking development. An imaginary friend is a necessary part of natural development of the young mind - nothing more. They all grow out of it. It is just like puberty, just a part of growing.

    EDIT: thumbs down huh? Wow now that is even funnier because now that means someone thinks I don't even know my own daughter...

  3. The part of the mind used for spirit communication is the imagination, so I would say that this is why children are more open to spirit as they are much more free with the use of their imagination.

    In the centre of the brain is a gland which scientists have discovered is actually very similar to an eye as it contains the same rods and cones as an eye.

    This seems to show that when mystics called this the third eye they actually knew alot more than people give them credit for.

    This gland is called the pineal gland and I believe is our "mind's eye" and link to the spirit dimensions. Sadly modern society frowns upon using the imagination and we condition children to detach from their link to spirit.

    This would explain why only children have imaginary friends.

    Unless you are a little bit strange like me ;) lol

    Hope this helps

  4. Hello

    As children have such vivid imagination it can be quite hard to say.


  5. I think due to a very active imagination and their tenuous grip on reality they think they can see things that aren't really there.

  6. I am sure that some children do have imaginary friends, but being a child who saw spirits as a child, I am sure that they do see as well.

  7. The day I saw my sons imaginary friend Roger  (dressed in clothing from late 1800s- 1900s straw hat) playing near the window as I walk in the bedroom. he looked at me all perturbed and disipated..he never returned to play with my son after that.

  8. Although blessed with an active mind as a preschooler, I never saw, nor pretended to see, someone who wasn't there. For youngsters so endowed, I suppose it could go either way. (made up or spirit contact). It wasn't until my 20s that I started to sense things that aren't taught in school. Even today, I wonder about the 'metabolic pathways'--they whys and wherefores--of the spirit world and how it interacts with our own. All I know for sure, at this stage of my development, is that it does exist, and it  knows more than I do!

    Please don't let your imaginations fill in blanks with negative or silly things--there's some hard science to be done, and I want answers! Faith fills a lot of gaps, but the size of the gaps has me concerned. To blithely proceed through life in denial or ignorance is not an option.

    * There is a spirit realm

    * Positive and negative forces are fairly well balanced, as in nature--God and Satan--with a tug-of-war in places

    * Most of reality is spirit, the physical is but a test of our new life faculties--we are students of that reality, beginners

    * Jesus came to save us from ourselves, as well as Satan

    * To place God and Spirit uppermost keeps you safe from darkness

    * Life is eternal-do it right (the Bible helps)

  9. I have no idea but some of the things they say are eerie, it causes me to wonder many things;

    If they are not given a soul yet, are they seeking one and do old spirits or souls communicate with them ?

    Can they remember things from a past life and are still trying to communicate what they remember?

    Can a baby's body be possessed by an old soul trying to live again?

    Some of the things my sons has said are highly intelligent, he'll use words that he can't possibly know the meaning of  and he can offer visual details of things he's never seen.

    It's not just him, I've seen this in other kids yet when they get to a certain age, say 10, they stop.  It's as if they finally get a soul and that's who they become.

    This is a great question, I'll be curious about other answers.

    My next question would be how come only some of us notice this?

  10. I had imaginary friends as a child. When I grew up, They did Not Go Away! I know them now to be my Guardian Angels or as the Native American would put it " My Indian Guides". This is a phenomenon that I can Not Explain, but has been with me All of My Life. These Spirits are with me to Protect Me and to Guide me in the Living of My Life. They are Not Scary to me! They come as needed and do me no Harm! It is a Comfort to me to Know that " Someone" or " Something" is looking out for me Continuously. I think some people get this Event Confused with God. These are His Angels, not Gods.

  11. It really depends on how old the child is, kids loose their imaginary friends and around the age of seven unless they have some type of depression or if the child is going the a traumatic time, the imaginary friend may come back to support him/her through the hard time nd then leave again. If it's not like this the child is probably phycic. Children who are believed to be phycic are called Cyrstal Children. Cyrstal children are very in tune with there phycic ability at a very young age. You can tell if a child is a Crystal child is if they have very big eyes as if they're staring into your soul, they can keep themselves oocupied in their room for a long time, and they are very calm around the ghost and don't get frightned (unless it was a bad ghost) if you are certain it was a bad ghost simply tell the child to tell the ghost " that I don't want you here, go away"

    Hope this was helpful

  12. I think children's imaginary friend could be  spirits. I have a family friend who her child had once seen a boy covered in blood where an accident had taken place a few days before.

    Although her mom saw noone.

  13. Yes they truly do see more than most older people, I  did some when I  was a child, and at times on and off I still do, sometimes very strongly. My son when he was two to four was seeing some of what I  was, and that he was having his own experiences. So basically from what he says and what I experience now and when I was a child it's true children do experience many spirits.

  14. 100% yes. I have talked to many people and heard stories where children talk to thier deceased grandparents before they where even born(at a very young age). I believe children can also see our auras. Have you ever noticed many children when they are drawing thier family or friends or even trees they sometimes draw colors closely around them? I believe that is what they see ( auras) Just my thoughts=)

  15. there are some celtic ancestors who believe that children can see spirits and i do believe that they do

  16. Spirits or angels.  A friend of mine had a daughter who saw angels a lot up till about age 6, then she asked where they went!  I think there's an age where suddenly we become grounded on earth and leave innocence behind.  I had another friend whose child saw 3 "big dads" - always 3 of them.  He described them as very tall and watching him play.  He stopped seeing them at about age 5.  And numerous stories of departed loved ones visiting small children and telling them that they're okay.  Wouldn't it be wondrous if we could all remain in this innocent childlike state??!!  It seems we are missing out on a spiritual ingredient of life that only children are in touch with.

  17. I deffinately think it's possible that they are spirits. Thinking back on when I was a kid, I and maybe one other friend were the only people I knew who had "imaginary friends". Since then, I have discovered that I am an indigo child, and seeing spirits or having visions isn't so out of the ordinary. I have lost contact with that friend, though.

    So, I'm not saying that I'm 100% sure that imaginary friends are spirits, since there are several other possibillities (after all, I've grown up to be not just and indigo child, but a writer as well), but I think it is deffinately very possible. This would be interesting to study.

  18. Imaginary friends?  That is silly.  Science has never proved they even exist.

  19. I think children who have imaginery friends are actually seeing demonic spirits. What happens is that the demons pretend to be children (sometimes even dead children) in order to interact with the child. The demons ultimate goal in doing this is to destroy the child and seperate him from his family and in so doing eventually being able to destroy the family unit. Demons also love to trick and deceive people including children to become fascinated with the occult. This is because demons know that the occult is dangerous and can destroy people.

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