
Imagine a life without oil how will it affect our lifestyle?

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Imagine a life without oil how will it affect our lifestyle?




  1. Living without oil is not only to get rid of cars but also of most of organic chemistry product like plastic and synthetic materials.

    It is also to eat, dress, sleep, live in an environment where goods were produced without oil.

    People are talking about replacing diesel in their car with vegetable oil like corn oil or sunflower oil. But they forget that the farmer is using diesel for his tractor... Actually, to produce one liter of organic fuel, you presently needs more oil than to produce one liter of oil !

    Rather than thinking about living in a world without oil but keeping consuming and overspending the resources of our earth, one should think how to consume smartly, saving energy and resources : not using air conditionners when it is only 23 celsius outside, isolating houses, using journey management to fill up the cars (most cars on the road are containing 1-2 passengers, the average in Europ being 2.2 per car while there are 5 seats). Around 50% of the oil burned daily is LOST.

    A world without oil can be very nice if it is in the future and we have some replacement technology, gas, nuclear, electricity, solar etc... or very nasty if it is now.

  2. I would like to see a lot less people crowding our roads and highway when they could be using a bicycle..we have to save our precious resources as sooner or later they will run out.

    cars and trucks take up too much of the fuel supply and in European and Asian countries there is a better mass transit system..the rail road lines are better, and a lot of people walk or take a bike...sooner or later the US will be forced to do what the rest of the world has already had too..conserve fuel

  3. let's say oil was never discovered or didn't even existed... then the geniuses of this planet would discover another source of energy and if i was one of those geniuses... the most obvious would be sunlight because it is the most abundant and easily accessible in every country. our machines would then have photovoltaic cells or solar cells in order to run. others would have turned to water especially those generators run by water current (found in dams, rivers). those who would need greater power output would have turned to nuclear energy. there would be no terms like :














    we would have cars like in the "Back To The Future" movies wherein cars would be powered by nuclear fusion using garbage or solar cars like in the movie " Race The Sun"

  4. Oh wow, then we could save money if we had to use water powered or solar or electric or air powered cars (they all exist today)

    the air we breathe would be so much cleaner!

  5. I have actually lived it for a while.

    It is hard living.

    The worst part was not having synthetic fabrics for clothing.

  6. i think the biggest issue would be getting from country to country. i think national transport could be rectified without oil as some already are in early phases of it..

    i think if global warming werent the immediate issue right now, the loss of oil would be catastrophic but something technology could easily overcome. The idea of crossing seas however might be subdued.

  7. where does most our electricity come from? oil. cars running on corn seem great but it takes 30 barrels of corn to produce the amount of energy that is in 1 barrel of oil. sorry folks, we don't have nearly enough land to produce the amount of corn needed. solar is great for some parts fo the country (US). energy from water is going to need damns, damns are devastaing to the environment and don't produce enough energy for a big city, and in the southwest we have one major river that has 2 damns (insignificant amount of energy) and water levels have been dropping. nuclear is the only semi-good alternative energy source we have, but those darn Pt rods are radioactive for ~11,000 yrs. we need more research, because at present there is NO GOOD alternative energy source. oil is a must at the present.

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