
Imagine that you are a citizen of El Salvador or Nicaragua in the early 1980s.?

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Describe the political situation in your country and explain why you think the United Stated is intevening in your country's affairs.




  1. Political situation is at its worse, the U.S.s President Reagan has illegally sent soldiers to Nicaragua. He has illegally funded them by selling weapons to Iran and smuggling drugs from Colombia to the U.S. using the soldiers with the knowledge of the CIA, especially Oliver North. U.S. soldiers (or U.S. Terrorists as i call them) enter the countryside killing peasants who they THOUGHT belonged to the Sandinistas. The contras spread hundreds of land mines along North Eastern Nicaragua. The U.S. terrorists enter Managua, rape woman and kill their husbands in front of them. The U.S. places an economic block on Nicaragua in 1985, rationing of food goes on (similar to Cuba).

    Thats basically what happened in the Early 1980s. The U.S. has no reason to intervene in Nicaragua. They saw the Sandinista Government as a "threat", us with only 3 million people were a "threat" to the U.S. whos population was about 250 million. Under the Sandinista Government that overthrew the U.S.-backed Dictator Somoza in 1979, Nicaragua once again had freedom. Under the Somoza government over 50% of the population was illiterate, something the Sandinista Government lowered to just 12% in just 5 months. The U.S. intervened because of the 1979 revolution which got rid of their puppet dictator. Somoza forced people to work in sweatshops without pay so they could produce goods sold to the U.S. for cheap, practically all that money went into Somozas pocket, his family alone was said to own over 20% of Nicaragua's land.

  2. Adyari is always the leftist. Dont forget that she loves Chavez and his politics. Might want to take what she says with a grain of salt. BOTH countries were rocked by civil war. However, I do agree with Adyari (for once) that the US should leave other countries alone.

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