
Imagine the universe one day reverts to a state of complete nothingness. what does it matter what we did?

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Imagine the universe one day reverts to a state of complete nothingness. what does it matter what we did?




  1. Well, lets entertain the converse. Imagine the universe does not revert to nothingness.

    Would that make the human course any more valuable?

    In fact, every single person who has ever lived experiences a similar effect to this reversion into nothingness: death.

    The individual is the center of his own universe; his consciousness can only go as far. That is, the death of the individual, and therefore, of the consciousness that experiences the presentment of the universe, will experience his own isolated self cancellation (both of himself and the universe wherein he conceives himself in being.)

    Therefore, whether a reversion to nothingness occurred as many isolated incidents OR as one catastrophic episode (i.e., the literal reversion of the ENTIRE universe), what difference would it make?

    The universe only has meaning inasmuch as there is a consciousness to realize it. Otherwise, life is meaningless.

    Finally, it is not what we do that makes this universe any more or less valuable; rather, it is what we think. "I think, therefore I am." To this I would add, "When I die, I never was."

    In other words, there is no intrinsic value to our actions. There is nothing so important that it must be "left behind." In the grand scheme of the universe, we are expendable atoms.

    --------EDIT (additional)---------------

    Even if the world does not end, who is to say we "accomplished" anything other than a more sophisticated way to kill and alleviate boredom?

    It is our egocentricism that makes our actions seem to important.

  2. Yes becasue we gail knowladge along the way. And that knowledage my help nus find an answer to the problem.

  3. We are a part of life and life must persevere. It is in its nature and it can do nothing else. We are but a link in chain that stretches into eternity in both directions, yet life demands that it continue. It always finds a way. That which can be, must be and will be unto the end of time.

  4. because. we have billions of years before that happens. we won't live that long unless we are carbon frozen for billions of years which costs millions of dollars. so there's almost no chance of that ever happening unless you are bill gates.

  5. For others who have different outlooks on the world it depends on their mind of thought, but for me as a Christian, I of course don't focus on that matter. What we did is what we did, as an organized society, we have accomplished many problems throughout history and solved them. I do believe though that if what u say did happen...........well everything we've worked on to create a perfect society was all in vain.

  6. I don't worry about it because such things are not possible.

  7. Since we are nothing, what does it matter what we did ! ! !

  8. how can we be able to know a complete nothingnesses for the knowledges we've been gotten. maybe the situation of complete nothingness should be changed to completely strange.

  9. I don't know.  I don't think a state of complete nothingness is possible.  And we don't know whether it'll matter or not, and we don't know if the universe will ever revert to such a state.  All we have to go by with certainty is the effects and consequences of our actions now.

  10. its called dieing

  11. Exsistance can't come out of nothingness.

  12. A novel philosophy. A kind of long term why worry, tomorrow today will be yesterday.

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