
Imagine you are in a sinking boat and surrounded by sharks. How do you survive?

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Imagine you are in a sinking boat and surrounded by sharks. How do you survive?




  1. Stay still and wait to see what happens. Hopefully they don't see you but, if you scream, kick, splash, or hit your dead. So of what i have heard.....

  2. quit imagining

  3. i stop imagining

  4. You don't. The sharks will pull out your internal organs. I guess if you had a rifle or something you could shoot them. Other than that, you're a dead person.

  5. stop imagining

  6. i think people should stop imagine to read this question..

  7. Throw all the other passengers in the sea first- the sharks might be full by the time you go in.

  8. float on my back, start singing, and pray they go away

  9. I don't. I just give up and let them eat me. x

  10. i throw oxygen tanks into each one of the sharks mouths, say "blow up you son of a bi***" and when i get to the bi*** part i shoot the tanks with my rifle

  11. survive as **** bits...

  12. pray and swim.dont splash like a injured fish. hope your not bleeding

  13. I'd let one off! That'd teach them not to mess with me wouldn't it? xx

  14. Sharks aren't that dangerous to people... if you don't slash around on the surface looking like food they'll usually leave you alone... If they approach you usually a straight jab to the nose or a poke in the eyes scares them off.

  15. imagine there is another boat next to the sinking one and jump on it. :-D

  16. Be still maybe they won't see you and go away.

  17. throw them my friends first so that they will be full

  18. I would pull my miniature Chuck Norris from my pocket and he would roundhouse kick them into a tropical island where I would sip pina coladas.  



  20. stop the boat from sinking

  21. make friends with the sharks and get a ride home :)

  22. get in the life raft, set off flares and radio for help

  23. First things first, what kinda sharks are they because there are two major diffrences between the huge number of shark species

    1 of them is a swimmer

    1 of them just moans all the time

    So my solution is as follows.

    If it is a swimmer then i'm pretty much buggered cause i can't swim. So i'd have to ask it very politly if it would mind giving me a head start.

    If it's a moaner i'll have heard it comeing a mile away so i'll of had plenty of time to escape.

    I hope this clearly answers your question.

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