
Imagine you were a sailor, and you had to win a race.?

by  |  earlier

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how would your experience and knowledge of currents help you to win the race?




  1. its always best to go with the current.

  2. Finding the fastest current travelling in the direction you want to go.  Taking this path would accellerate you.

    On the other hand, wind currents may be even more helpful - so I would judge the windspeed first, and weight it up to currents.

  3. Make sure you check the currents for the area and check the tides for the time of the race. Choose the best path for the combination of where you need to go, the wind direction, the current and the tidal flow at that time. There is less current nearer the shoreline. There is a standing tide at the change of tides. Know the area from the charts to know where tacking is necessary.

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