
Imbalanced Hormones?

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'm really in need of some professional advice but if anyone has experienced an imbalance in hormones, please share your story. If there are any doctors that can help I'd appreciate it. I've been hormonally imbalanced the last couple of years and have been having a hard time getting balanced naturally. I prefer to exaust all natural attempts before trying medicine. So, I'm wondering if a new diet and excersize plan can help to rebalance me? Any advice out there on naturally balancing hormones? Thanks.




  1. The acupuncture advice is wrong. Listen to the other girl, hormone imbalance needs to be discussed with an endocrinologist. I am going to be receiving hormone replacement therapy in a few months and I have been weight lifting for 5 years with the best diet I've seen in all of my friends. Don't waste your time, trust me. I've spent the past 2 years in a severe depression caused by hormonal imbalance.

  2. try estroven it is a hormone replacement and it a plant hormone and it is soy. You get it at walmart in pill form and it helps alot.

  3. Evening primrose oil and fish oil are great for balancing hormones, and you might need to boost your vitamin b6. Another thing you can take is Chaste Tree also known as vitas castus agnus (Verbenaceae) which stimulates and normalises pituitary gland functions, especially progesterone function. Also, go see a really good acupuncturist, they are fantastic at sorting out unexplained hormone problems. Eating lots of grains and green leafy veg and oily fish will help too. Drink lots of water and try to get 30 mins of excercise a day to help boost endorphins.

  4. you'd need a reproductive endocrinologist and blood tests.

    There's a lot of info on about natural hormone replacement and balancing.
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