
Immature Classmates Please Help?

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I am in the Honor's section, yes because I'm smart.

In the Philippines, there is a maximum grade level of 7 (Meaning Elementary is from grade 1-7 only) then it's already High School.

I passed Grade 7 and now I'm first year. But my other classmates were accelerated from Grade 6 to First year High School because they were also in the advanced class.

So this means my classmates are a year younger than I am.

For me, they are so immature!

What can I do? I can't bear staying with annoying kids for a whole year!




  1. We dont always get with people we enjoy.

    This is life.  

    On my job, there are about 50 people.  If I had my choice, I'd fire all of them except about 4.  2- I absolutely despise. A s***k and a sexual harasser.  30 are completely untrustworthy. Several are just ignorant and some boring.  

  2. Its just because you dont know them. If they were your best mates of now being that imature youd laugh. Maybe you need to bite your tongue and get to know them. :)

  3. hangout with people who are your age, like at recess or whatever, or act like them or you'll be the weird one, i dont know anything else.

  4. I'm sure it's not that bad. I know honours students are meant to be all grown-up, but they can have social lives, and hanging out with younger people can be lots of fun. You do stuff you'd never do with friends your own age.

    I'm sure that you're not going to find them all annoying, and if you make friends, the fact they're younger than you really won't matter. Plus, the fact they've been put up a year (and that they're in the advanced section) must been they have some level of maturity.

  5. Find a group that you can join with kids your age. Something outside of school, or inside of school if it's available.  This way, you'll be able to make friends you age.  

  6. Sooner or later you will realize that this is nothing to be concerned about.

  7. One or two years is not a big differnce. You are a kid yourself so swallow your pride and make some friends. And you said you were in honors?

  8. I've had the same problem. But I've learned that no matter how immature they get sometimes, if you let them get to you, then you are being just as immature. Don't let them interfere with your learning. If they really are that smart at that age, they probably wouldn't be that immature, though, because they are serious about their education. If they aren't, just try to ignore them, and you'll be the one looking mature about it.

  9. have fun with it, u dnt always need to be super serious

  10. Hate 2 tell u but u r not going 2 be able 2 change ur classmates so hate 2 tell u but u have 2 live with it. And r u in America asking this?

  11. Try ungrowing up.

  12. How challenging is the class? If it's too easy you an ask to move up.

  13. well suggest to get a different class.  

  14. speak to them in philopeno. and then f**t on them

    they'll get the message.

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