
Immature Kid ?

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me in my best friend were at the pool and we were sitting on the side of the pool and my friend had to use te rest room so i noticed she had blood near her ..... and it was dripping i didn't say anything since i didn't want to embrass her but when she came back some young dude started making fun of her blood and i was pissed of coruse so i knocked him into the pool long story short she didn't say a word she just quickly grabbed her towlel and she left i tried calling and coming by her house but her parents keep saying shes not home even though i saw her getting in the car with her parents a few minutes ago what should i say ?




  1. honestly....she's super lucky to have a friend like you.yes, i would do the same lol....just give her some time...teenage girls DONT handle embarrasment well (experience) time will heal it and just let her know ull be there for her and stuff

  2. There is nothing you can say, she will get over it.

  3. send her a text, or im saying that the kid was being stupid, and tell her sometime you embarrassed yourself, then ask her to hang out at the movies or go out and eat, let her pick the time, that way it would be easy for her to make it in like a week is she needs the time to heal

  4. just tell her its not a big deal because you obviously really dont think its a big deal.thats realllly nice of you to not embarass her or anything,because it was the right thing to do.anyways,just tell her its not a big deall and that you didnt tell sure everything will work out fine,but you might wanna give her some time because im sure shes realllly embarasseddd.anywayss,good luck:)

  5. Aw thats really nice of you to stick up for her but that is a very embarassing thing for a female to go through especially at a public place.

    She is probly still very embarassed about it and it will probly take a while for her to come around. Im sure she was flattered by you standing up for her but at the same time she was hurt from that boy making fun of her.

    You did the right thing and im sure she really appreciates it. Just keep trying to talk to her, dont bring it up though :)

  6. Aww how sweet . . . you may have landed yourself a new girlfriend ;) Her knight in shining armour standing up and protecting her like a man :)

  7. well  i would suggest apologizing to her that you werent the first one to tell her about the blood, talk to her like you would normally. she is upset that it wasnt u  her best friend to tell about the blood,but instead some strange  dude.

    talk to her or leave a note with her parents, invite for a movie

  8. She was probably just embarassed. That was really sweet of you actually. :)

    Don't mention it unless she does.

  9. Well yeah it was but she'll look back at this and laugh and its nice that you kinda stuck up for her

  10. wow, tell her that you understand it wasn't her fault and that the stupid kid that was making fun of her is to immature to understand, she is seriously going to be soo embarrassed but thats all i got.

    You could pour water on your pant and pretend to have wet yourself when you go to see her again, that might make her feel better :]

  11. Hmm well first off all she is embarrassed that you knocked a guy out FOR HER>good friend though!>

    She probably thinks you like her so she is confused, angry so on so on

    I would find her and {>Look I am sorry it just made me mad when he made fun of you and I care about my FRIENDS<make sure to take a long time saying that> so my anger came over me please forgive me?

  12. shes not mad at u! shes just to shy come by u now! let her know that u dont care about the whole thing and she knows u stood up for her! so shell come to u! how old r u by the way?

  13. Wow.. You're a really sweet guy. Kudos to you for standing up for your friend!You should be proud. Keep trying to contact your friend and tell her that it wasn't her fault and you are totally sorry about what happened (writing a letter may help if calling, going to house or computer contact won't work). I am sure she will understand or she probably already does and just feels bad and too embarrassed to talk about it. Just reassure you that your here for her! Rock on!
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