
Immediate: what exactly is the difference between news, article and feature?

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give the journalistic reply please




  1. its simple.

    the news is objective and pretty much tells you what is going on in the world or on a specific beat. news stories are straight forward and to the point, telling the reader what happened. for example an office building catches on fire, that is news. a speaker coming to visit some rando place. that is news too. the city approving a plan to put in some new stop lights? news as well.

    a feature is usually written in a more narrative sense, but still follows AP style. features are more creative and usually less serious than news, unless they are on a sensitive topic. an example of a feature would be some sort of story about a band and what they had to go through to make it famous, or some old guy who takes in cats for a living.

    you dig?

  2. Article is a brief composition on a subject. Covering specialized research point in the subject area, usually appearing in a magazine,newspaper, encyclopedia

    or journal.

    News is any new information on current events which is relayed by print, broadcast, Internet or word of mouth to a third party or mass audience.

    Feature an article that may not have news value but is of interest to readers.

    I hope this helps you understand a little bit of the difference between  this three.

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