
Immigrant, minor help!?!?

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I don't know how to really explain this but ok..

I am 15 Years old, I live in California and My parents are going back to Brazil by the end of this Year. But I do not want to go i want to stay, is there any suggestions of how I can stay? I want to finish high school and make my futur here, i believe my future is here. I am a junior. Like i said i am an immigrant & stuff. Can I apply for that program where a person can keep me in their house so i can go to school, or something like that?

What can I do people? I am responsible, a good person...

Please help with what-ever info you can give me, what ever advice..

Thank youu




  1. Actually, you can look for a home-stay. Its where a family takes you in, feeds you, etc, and your parents pay that family money. (usually between 1200 to 3000). You should look for a nice family that is caring, kind, etc. Look in local newspaper, go to kijiji, craiglist, whatever, or post wanted: homestay, or what not. I also think they will be the legal guardian? Check up on that. I don't really think so tho. But anyways, yeah, look for a nice homestay.

    oh, and i agree with Daria: The Black Parade is dead!

    good luck!!

    what's with the thumbs down? I have many family friends whose kid is in home-stay. They can also improve their english being with a english speaking family.

  2. I think it's best you try to persuade your parents first before actually applying for such program as having your parents around would make things a lot more easier..

    Of course if you are doing very well at school you can use that to your advantage and let your parents know that you can do whatever you want with your knowledge in the U.S. and that it would be easier to do those things there rather then in Brazil.

    Explaining to them that you have a future in the U.S. could also help them change their minds.. But i think you should really find out WHY your parents want to move back to Brazil.. Is it because of money problems? Or because they miss the place? Ask them if they can at least stick around for around three years and when it's time to go to university, you can go live on dorms whilst they go back to Brazil.

    Finding out why your parents want to go to Brazil could really help and see if you can change their minds.. It is important if your parents include your opinion and your reasons for staying in the U.S. Otherwise they are not taking your feelings into account and doing things as a family.

  3. First you need your parents' permission to stay and some way of supporting yourself, and then you need a place to stay and some adult to be responsible for you, and then you need something like a student visa to allow you to stay as long as you're enrolled in school here.  If you get past the first two hurdles, you should probably contact an immigration lawyer for advice.

    Or do like so many of our Latin American neighbors have done, just ignore the system, disappear into the population, and hope you don't get caught, and then whine and cry "discrimination!" when you do.

    I hope you choose the first course, and I hope you succeed.  Good luck and best wishes.

  4. your a minor and you have to go wherever your parents go.

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