
Immigrant Workers?

by Guest11131  |  earlier

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What are your views on immigrant workers (foreign workers and talents)? E.g. Professionals, specialists, teachers, sportsmen etc... Name the different Pros and Cons of having immigrant workers in your country...




  1. american citizens should always have priority on jobs avail here in the us.  If jobs cannot be filled with us workers then foreign workers with the proper visa and education should be considered. ON the condition that the government keep track of these workers and make sure they renew visas and have current addresses. I am really sick of hearing that Americans won't do the jobs.  Who do you think did them 20 years ago before there were 10 million illegal workers? AMERICANS!

    You also need to consider that the major auto makers, drug cos and kodak all have cos in mexico. So really are they  here looking for work? seems to me all the work is in mexico.

  2. Any of them that come to my country have to do it legally.

  3. I am immigrant and my best talent is I am number one at catch the sheeps and milk the cows. Jose number two. And I number one making nopalito soup. Me la pelas buey.

  4. I hope that with my opinion I do not offend anyone and if I do, I am truly sorry, but I am only speaking from my heart.

    I don't know if you haven't noticed that the majority of the people in USA are illigal immigrants. They are the one doing the hardest working jobs because the people here do no want to do those jobs. The people here want to start working with great money, in an office with air/heat in the room, a really nice car/truck and not have to suffer. The immigrants are the ones working their a s s off so that they can send money for their family and so that they can have something better in life.

    Without the immigrant what would the construction companies do? What would the people planting fruits and vegetable do? These are only 2 jobs out of thousands that people with out papers do withouht anyone noticing that they are illigal immigrants. I don't think that this is any good of what many racist and cruel people are doing to the people who do not have papers. The immigrants have done nothing wrong but work and support their families and while living in the United States they pay bills, food and taxes just like us. Why are they considered criminals? Only because one person of their kind (with papers, a U.S. Citizen) is a criminal. Only because one person of their race made a mistake and now all of them have to pay for it. Shouldn't it be a good thing that they love to have a dream that someday they will have something to look foward in life, something that will help their family not suffer the crucial living in their economy, that they do not have to suffer that much in their country. Many people here in the United States do not understand. They just judge anyone they see of a mexican culture, asian, european, canadian, but mostly the people in the mexican cultures. They put them in jail, beat them, throw stuff at them and threaten them just because they don't have papers. They are paying too much attention to the nice people and not paying attention the people who are out there in the streets killing people, stealing, robbing, raping and doing nothing. My opinion in all of this is that I see no Cons. It's not just my country, it should be everyones country, It should be every person's country that works and pays taxes just like every other person here.
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