
Immigrant exodus?

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UK- the sunday times stated that a lot of immigrants have noticed the grass isnt so green on this side. A polish family in my area who said they would be settling and raising their family in the uk 2 years ago have recently cleared off back to Poland despite saying they were not here because of economic reasons. Also the australians are not rushing over here as much as they used to. They tell a similar story and insist they are not here for the pound! Is it due to our recent slump in our economy. Does anyone else find it a bit cheeky that people want to stay in a country while things are rosey but clear off as soon as things start to hit their own pocket.




  1. Perhaps we should all go to Poland.There isn't much left here        now.

  2. I think that most of these people did come here just for the money and now things are slowing down they're off to find pastures new.  The Polish family probably realised that the economy back home is improving whilst the UK is slowing down and decided to jump ship.   Unfortunately for us natives, we don't really have this choice  . . .

  3. It almost makes me hope for a depression!

  4. do you change jobs to a higher paid one if you get the opportunity?

  5. Yes; they have plundered us and are now sodding off. No wonder their countries don't flourish if they leave at the first signs of trouble !

  6. pity we let so many scroungers in, Blair wanted them to vote for him but now he has gone (thank God what a liar he was) even the immigrants can see that Brown is ruining the country

  7. Some of the same is happening in the US.

    Our law accepts political refugees much more readily than economic refugees (although our immigration laws appear to be only sporadically enforced).

    Yes, many immigrants come just for the money, not to truly become Americans.  I would just as soon see them leave at the earliest opportunity.

  8. The whole issue about immigrants leaving GB because of the economic slump may well be quite true but the most alarming side to this remains hidden but true to the fact that this government has allowed Ukrainian gangsters to filter into mainstream public activity.

    These folk are extremely violent and pander to child prostitution, narcotics and firearm dealing. Last week a young lad was found with a new high powered hand gun and ammo. This was not the situation only a couple of years ago but the upward trend in youngsters obtaining deadly weapons is almost a testimony to the fact that they have learned that a knife can kill just as easily and knives are carried as a twisted status symbol.

  9. Well I know in regards to Australians many are going back because our economy is really strong at the moment and there are job shortages in Australia in most sectors so it is very easy to get a job.

    Also Australia has good rates of pay, I was paid £10,000 more a year for doing the same job in Australia (I came to the UK for my Scottish husband wanted to return home).

    Financially we were a lot better off in Australia with a better lifestyle and that is why we will be returning.

    The UK is a nice place to live, but so are other places!!

    I have hardly leeched off this country. I have paid a lot of tax here and have never received anything from this place, I have never even gone to the doctor here, we don't have children so we aren't using your school system.

    My husband has a right to come back and live in his own country

    Some of it is about the money. I would rather live in a country where I can lead a nice lifestyle, who wouldn't?

    However I don't really like many things about the UK.

    Like your government.


    Lack of opportunities (would not wish to raise any children I may have in the future here).

    I don't like the chav culture (why so many people here wear tack suits is beyond me).


    Sounds like you might be jealous that you are stuck living in the UK!!

  10. it natural. people follow the money. it's why your country is in iraq and Afghanistan. to secure your energy supplies for the time when oil starts to run out

  11. I agree with cvq's answer.  Here in California, USA We have a HUGE illegal immigration issue from Mexico.  Now that the economy is bad I think they'll self deport.

  12. Maybe they're afraid of the Muslim the E.U.

  13. ninety percent of the time it is to do with homesickness.

  14. your Polish family have gone back to Poland - how is that going from country to country?

    I guess when they planned to come here they thought the values of the people here would be much like those of the people in Poland.

    In the two years that they were here they discovered what it is really like here - take a look at a typical answer/question about immigration/eonomic migrants. The  answers you have received so far are pretty tame by the general standards of this section, usually they are abusive, xenophobic, rude, intolerant, misinformed, racist - shall I go on? I'm not surprised that they have gone back.
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