
Immigrating from England to Canada. What way is better?

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A friend of mine from England wants to immigrate to Canada, and he'll be staying with my mom and I when he does so it uncomplicates many things.

Still, I've heard it can take years before you're accepted. He was hoping to make the move sometime in 2009. Is this completely unrealistic?

Which way is better? Should he apply there and wait, or get a temp visa and move in over here while he waits? Any suggestions? Especially from those who have done this!

We're pretty lost on how to go about it all.




  1. Why dont you just do it the easy way like the Mexicans.

  2. He cannot just come to Canada.

    He has to APPLY and then be ACCEPTED as a immigrant. He has to score a minimum of 67 points out of a possible 100 to qualify. The points score is based on his education levels, past work history, and his current skills, plus his ability to be further educated in  Canada,

    He has two choices, to apply  for a temporary work permit, to work for a specific employer in Canada ( he has to find a job here first ) or he can apply  for  Permanet Resident status. That PR status application will take 3 to 4 years to be approved. The TWP ( if he can find a company  in Canada  that is willing to hire him, will take less time,

    Here is the main information  website at Citizenship  and Immigration Canada. Read it carefully.

    Go here :

    Jim B. Toronto.,

  3. He should communicate with Canada House in London,

    I believe that all he needs is a valid UK Passport. At his Canadian Port of Entry he will be classified as a "Landed Immigrant".

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