
Immigration Hold Question?

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My friend is in jail and has an immigration hold on him? He has lived here since he was 6 yrs old and has never committed a crime and has no record. Hi parents a both legal the problem is when his mom became a us citizen he was over 18 but his sister and brother are both legal now also. Is there any way to get this cleared up and he can be released with out being deported he has no family back in Venezuela they all live here.




  1. i'm sorry but that's just the way things are. What he could of done was ask immigration for a working permit, that way could of stayed here with his family. But he can't stay here forever but it's better then staying in Venezula all alone.  

  2. When he turned 18 it was his responsibility to change his legal status. Since he did not do that,the decision to remain here illegally was his choice. He can no longer use the excuse that his status is the result of being brought here as a child,since he remained here after becoming an adult.

    His only hope to avoid deportation is to get an immigration attorney.  

  3. He should be deported

  4. Sorry he must go back and join the chavez and his great utopia. Have no fear, Obama is getting ready to s***w us up just as bad or worse. So he will be able to come back here and it will be like he never left his beloved venezuela.

  5. Why would he be in prison if  he never committed a crime? Regardless, if his parents are US citizens they can petition him, while this is happening he would not be deported.  

  6. He is being held for a hearing before an Immigration Judge. He is entitled to hire a lawyer to represent him at the hearing. This is considered "due process."

    If any relief is available to him, his lawyer will fight for it. If the judge agrees that he's entitled to some form of relief, he'll grant it.

    If the judge rules that your friend is deportable, he'll order him removed which will result in a ten year bar.

    The hearing before the judge is the only hope he has of clearing up the mess that he is in. You can help most by providing him with money to pay for the lawyer.

  7. Well, if his mother has been here long enough to go from legal permanent resident to US citizen, there were remedies available to them a long time ago. If he's been here since the age of 6, they had years to act to get him a green card, but for one reason or another never acted. Since he's never committed a crime I have to assume he has no legal status here. For now, he should be talking to an immigration attorney to see if there is any way to clear this up, but I'm not optimistic.  

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