
Immigration Problem 10 points?

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what can u do if u haven't done anything illegal in the united states and the cops just arrest u and tell u immigration wants to keep u in the state in which u are and your stuck in jail without them telling u what u did or why they have u there in the first place




  1. it sounds like what the cops are doing is illegal. they have to have a reason to detain u and take u in.

    if he was arrested for something he did do and doesnt have proof of residency or any id. its possible there bringing immigration to find out his status, if his an illegal most likely his getting deported....

    The system is not gonna hear u out unless u get an attorney!

    I was in a similiar situation.

  2. you should get an attorney (or citi-attorney, which are free) because they can't arrest you without an arrest warant if you haven't done anything illegal. Then you can talk to the attorney about everything. (you need to seek proffesional help)

  3. legally they can only hold you for 24 hours without charging you with a crime

  4. If you are illegal as I presume just bear with it, one of the costs of being here illegally.

  5. It sounds like this person is on immigration hold.  Immigration (ICE) has the right to do this.  There is no right to bail when on immigration hold.  They do not need to provide an attorney to this person.

    You should retain the services of an immigration attorney to sort things out.....

  6. If you are an illegal immigrant (aka trespasser) please save us taxpayers at least $12,000 average per year for each of your type and ask for deportation.   In your case it is costing us much more than the average because of the free legal services you are probably receiving because you can't afford private legal fees.

    You are in jail because most likely because you couldn't produce valid documentation or you were E-verified and caught scamming.  We have enough of a citizen underclass that are willing to do the jobs you are stealing from them because they most likely don't  know where these jobs are.  You are networked and assisted by La Raza and the church.  They have no network.  

    Salga ahora.

  7. Friend, technically immigration is FEDERAL so it has power over the state where you are being held. So if immigration ask a police officer to hold somebody for them they have to. If it is a immigration issue the police cannot charge you so, they are waiting for a immigration officer to arrive to take you to a immigration processing center, but also if you dont know UNDER the NEW PATRIOT laws that were voted any illegal can be held on a maximum of 5 years in prison for being in the country illegally. So Good luck. The choices are to hire a lawyer so you can see a judge about a BOND HEARING or speed up your leaving the country or see other options.

  8. If you are illegal, you should have no rights!

    Sorry but it is time to address this issue with a hard line!

  9. They are required to give you legal counsel paid by the state, no matter who you are.  It's your 6th amendement right.

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