
Immigration advice, from Africa to US?

by Guest21263  |  earlier

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I have an internet friend who is an aid worker for Unicef. He is currently in NE Somalia but will return home to Nairobi, Kenya this week. He wishes to immigrate to America and I want to help him. What is the best course of action for me? I could provide a letter of introduction and find him a job. I'm thinking about contacting Habitat for Humanity to see if they can help by sponsoring him... I just don't know what to do first, or next. Any knowledgable help would be appreciated. btw he will apply again in November for the Diversity Lottery.




  1. tell him to stay home and help his own country.we do not need any more cab drivers......

  2. find somebody and get married.

    Forget racists like those 2 above

    & welcome to USA

  3. My advice: find somebody and get married.

  4. In reality, there's nothing you can do to assist this person.  You are not related to him by marriage or blood so you cannot sponsor him for immigration.  

    He must have a 4 year college degree and skills directly related to that degree in order for a US employer to hire him for a job.  The job must be directly related to his degree and skills.  These Visas are called H1B.  They are for "skilled" labor.  They are very hard to get.  The US employer must be able to PROVE that no US citizen is available to take the job.  The quota for 2009 is already full.  The 2010 quota will not open until April 1 of 2009.

    There are no US Visas for "unskilled" labor being given out.

    If this person asks you for money do not send it.  In that case you are most likely being setup for a scam.  Sign up for a free trial account at  This will allow you to track your email to him and show you EXACTLY where (city and country) and when it was opened, whether or not it was forwarded, how many times it was forwarded, where it was forwarded to (city and country), etc.....  You'd be surprised at how may of these emails end up in Lagos, Nigeria and London, UK.

  5. first he should probably get tested for Aids

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