
Immigration changes and the environment?

by  |  earlier

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Some recent immigration changes have prevented skilled migrants switching between visas in the UK. This means they have to travel to the ‘home country’ to apply. Previously this could be done within the UK

Now hundreds or thousands of people need to fly to New Zealand, Australia, South Africa and Canada etc.

Planes are known as major contributors of greenhouse gas.

Do you think this is bad for the environment?




  1. maybe the fcking immigrants should stay home for once.

  2. Well yes but if they did not have to travel the planes would fly anyway.

  3. Yes it is.

  4. Shouldn't the migrants apply for visas before they travel?

  5. Migration is bad for the environment it consumes fuel and causes greenhouse gases no matter how people travel. Logically banning commercial air travel solves the problem. If you really need to get between countries, take a boat or bus.

    The more immigration costs the less immigration will occur and skilled labour is best placed to afford to immigrate. Less people immigrating, the less planes needed?

    Edit: I thought Homer was American :0)

    Doh, You could probably walk it! LOL

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