
Immigration consulting agency to newzealand ??

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please if u can help me in immigration ,i am a pharmacist ,from the middle east ,and i want to move to newzealand ...thanks .




  1. If you dont have anyone to sponsor you, can just try looking for an employer in NZ, and Pharmacist is actually under POL ( Priority Occupational List). They prioritize those with job offer and this will help you a lot in meeting their migration requirements or passmark.

    You can lodge for a Skilled Migrant Visa (in your country, but pls check first if your country is under comparable labor market, and together with your evident job offer / or if your going to NZ with a work visa, you can just lodge the migrant visa there.)

    This websites might help:

    (for job seekers online)

    (for migration inquiries)

    +64 (0)9 914 4100

    or visit any consultancy firm for a guidance, if your willing to pay consultancy fees aside from Embassy fees.

  2. Correct, is the official website.

    You are better off speaking to an immigration consultant though. Dealing direct with NZ Immigration have given me and my friends nothing but lies and grief.

    Check out and search under "business type" of 'immigration'.

    Try and stay well clear of the Auckland immigration office they are racist and tend to favour pacific islanders over anyone else.

    The Wellington immigration office though is alot more human.

  3. Don't  go anywhere near an immigration consultant. They will charge you a lot of money to provide services the NZ government provides for free. Take these two steps:

    1) visit The Immigration Department website.

    2) contact your nearest New Zealand High Commission (embassy). There are only two for the Middle East, in Turkey and Iran. The one in Turkey covers the most of the Middle East. Go to for details.

    Be warned, NZ is very wary about immigrants from the Middle East right now, due to the situation in Iraq. We also have broken relations with Israel over some of their spies trying to steal NZ passports and they refuse to apologise. So Neither Arabs nor Israelis are particularly welcome in NZ right now. Just so you know, you will find it very difficult to get here. Good Luck.

  4. The best place to look for imformation regarding immigrating to New Zealand would be:

    There are a few catagories that you can move their under.

    You can be married to a citizen to get citizenship.

    You can start a business there (but in order to get approved to move there to start a business you need to show an aptitude for business, like a past successful one in your home country)

    You can be hired by an employeer who will sponsor you and your family (but the law is that if there is ANYONE with New Zealand citizenship that can match the qualifications of the job they HAVE to hire them over a foreign born person).

    Those are fof citizenship.  The rules for long term resident are a bit different.

    Here is another site (linked off of the one above) that has some advising resources.

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