My brother-in-law is from the Central Republic of Africa. He came here over a decade ago during one of their civil wars. At the time he claimed asylum, and the Immigration courts denied him and ordered that he deport voluntarily.
He did not deport. And since then has married my younger sister. And they have 4 children together. He has been working steadily, and is the bread winner in the household. My sister and he hired an attorney a few years ago to reopen his case based upon Extreme Hardship, but that attorney was soon after disbarred and they haven't heard from him since.
Well yesterday Alex, my brother-in-law, was detained yesterday, and may be deported soon.
I'm fuzzy on my Immigration Law. But, I believe that once an alien is ordered to deport, he does not get another day in court.
So, can anyone tell me whether he is due another day in court? At this point, will he be given another trial in which he can claim Extreme Hardship? If it's possible, what do I need to do to request this?