
Immigration in ireland, what are your views?

by Guest57913  |  earlier

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Immigration in ireland, what are your views?




  1. Immigration in Ireland is one of the best things to happen to it. Immigrants get a lot of bad press all over the world, but i am of the opinion that this is generated from the uneducated majority of society. If one was to really understand Ireland they would realise that without immigrants Ireland would not nearly be as developed as it is. Immigrants have propelled Ireland into a period of great success and fortune, and hopefully this will not be forgotten.

    It was not so long ago that Irish men were travelling to London in search of manual labour.

  2. small levels of immigration are great for Ireland or indeed any country but the recent levels of immigration have destroyed Ireland....

    immigration has turned Ireland into the new Britain... where people dont care about their country anymore because they dont identify with it or even know what it means to be that nationality

    ask any British person what it means to be British and they will look at you as if you had 2 heads.... well that's Ireland's future

    as for the comments that the uneducated are the only ones against immigration.... i have a PhD and enough common sense to know that increasing the immigration population for 1% to over 10% in 10 years is disastrous for a tiny country like ireland

  3. As an American with many friends from Ireland who immigrated (and in a family formed by immigration), I think it is a good thing for Ireland to experience it as well, to get the entire picture. For generations Ireland only exported it's population, now they are gaining other cultures themselves.

    As an outsider, I do find the anti-immigrant feeling in Ireland from some puzzling, especially as they had so many fellow irish emigrate themselves. Immigration is a very hard process for the people uprooting their lives.

    Realistically we are all immigrants - people have always travelled and settled in different areas, changing and adding to the overall culture.

  4. i am bitter towards immigrants coming to this country taking our jobs and bringing all types of trouble to this country

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