
Immigration in ireland is getting out of hand, do you agree?

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Immigration in ireland is getting out of hand, do you agree?




  1. Absolutely totally agree

    They're just cruising through here while their countries are improved

    Which would be fine.....but our economy is gonna crash (a process which has already begun!), and they're just gonna skip on back to where they came from....

    Did you know that there's like 200,000 Polish people in Ireland?....more than the combined populations of Leitrim and Rosscommon combined

    If that's not crazy i don't know what is!

    And i hate that us Irish people have to tiptoe around this subject.....

    because if you so much as comment, you're branded as "racist" and that's that...

    and apparently, because "the Irish did it" waaaay back, that makes it okay for it to happen TO us

    I personally hold NOTHING against these people....theyre pretty sound actually

    But, it is too much....and it is messing up our culture etc....we dont need a "china town" and a billion Polish shops in Dublin

  2. So it's okay for Ireland to export it's own but not for other foreign nationals to stray into our country?  The numbers of immigrants and/or refugees can't match the numbers turning up in the UK or the other European countries, if the economy is on a downturn I would imagine any European migrants will be leaving soon

    Edit: the Irish are still doing it, I know plenty of people who've gone off to the UK & the USA, plenty more are heading off to Eastern Europe

  3. At least you people don't have Mexicans jumping the border every day and taking your jobs!!!

  4. But, but, but inmigrants made Ire...  haha disregard that. Yes, its out of control.

  5. Just stop.

    Oh and BTW Ireland has more immigrants per capita than England.

    But back to the topic. Immigration is great for Ireland. Do you know how dreary and completely depressing Dublin was until they arrived? I'll tell you it was very depressing.

    I walked down Parnell st. going to the match yesterday and wow was I impressed. it is a full fledged china town.

    DIVERSITY IS GREAT. Honestly Ireland is underpopulated we(if we experienced another economic boom) could easily sustain more immigrants.

    Have you narrow minded swines have any idea how different Ireland(dublin) would look now without these immigrants?

    Look at all these great developments happening throughout our cities. Lovely high rise dwellings....many shopping centres....I only wish I was about 10 years younger, so I could truly live in a teenage diverse Dublin.

  6. Tad hypocritical,non?

  7. And whats your alternative? Send them back to war torn countries, or back to unemployment?

    The Irish emigrated not so long ago to find work. Other countries helped us, now it's time for us to help too.

  8. Shocking. How can an Irish person complain about immigration? After all those millions who emigrated from these shores in the bad times.

    I am shocked. You should be ashamed of yourself.

  9. I think the Irish complain too much about this subject. Like someone said, try living in America, or France, Italy or Spain. The great majority of the immigrants in Ireland work hard, do jobs the Irish don't want to do and settle for lower wages. So if the Irish just rolled up their sleeves and were less picky about jobs and wages, there would be no need for 20,000 Poles to come over. It's an expensive country to live in and the government doesn't assist anyone who happens to be here (like they do for example in Italy), so if there weren't good opportunities for the foreigners, nobody would come.

  10. No, not at all.

    It's great for Ireland so if you're Irish then stop your complaining now. It gives the Irish and the immigrants a higher standard of living, more jobs, gives good economic growth which could eventually mean that some taxes may be put own, so unless you don't want to live easier then appreciate it.

    Unfortunately, there's a lot of Irish who feel the same way as yourself and that's the sad thing about it.

    = )

  11. Yes i do agree. Soon it will be taken over by  poland or latvia.

  12. No it's not. It's necessary because the Irish have got to stuck up to do jobs 'beneath' them.

  13. now the polish run this country lol

  14. Very few immigrants choose to live in Ireland. Most Irish people choose to immigrate to England . Then complain !

  15. Try living in America!

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