
Immigration problem?

by  |  earlier

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I have been living in Honduras for 6 years. We want to go to the states, and we have done all the paperwork needed to go, but last year, it was put on hold because my son´s birth certificate has a mistake. My son is actually my wife´s boy. He was born before we got married. The lawyer that changed his last name put me down as the biological father. The Embassy will not accept or will not proceed with this mistake, and the Honduran government will not change the certificate. So for now we are stuck here. Anyone in immigration that has an idea for us, so we can go.

We are pretty desperate,





  1. Consult with a new attorney.  Also, explain to USCIS what happened, and about your desire to fix it.

  2. another example of how a lie will come back to bite you in the butt

  3. have you adopted your stepson legally?  

    Then use the adoption certificate. if its just an informal arrangment - then that is why USCIS is not proceeding further. USCIS says that you must LEGALLY adopt the boy if you wish to claim him as your child.

    your wife will miost likely need permssion from the boys biological father for the adoption and for the emigration.

    If you do not know where the father is, then you need to write an legal notarised affidavit that the whereabouts of the boys biological father is unknown.
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