
Immigration the new wall on the border?

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the new wall is just a waste of money. there goes your tax dollars at work ,did you guys know that there ARE LOTS OF CORRUPTED BORDER OFFICIALS ,




  1. Waste of money really ?  Then why is it helping reduce the numbers of illegal crossings? Sure we have some corrupt border officials, just like Mexico has a corrupt Military, Police Force and Government.

    Keith W,  we're not trying to stop immigration only illegal immigration or aren't you able to comprehend the difference between the two?

  2. The new wall is ridiculous ! What people would do to keep other people out !

  3. What a ridiculous statement, I would rather my tax dollars be paid for the wall than to help any illegal invader out, we are paying way more tax dollars on illegals being here than the wall will ever cost. Corrupt border patrol can be weaned out, put military on the border, with weapons in hand!!!

    Report and Deport!!!!

  4. immigration the new wall on the border?

        the new wall is just a waste of money. there goes your tax dollars at work ,did you guys know that there ARE LOTS OF CORRUPTED BORDER OFFICIALS ,


    People keep saying these things and never link them.  But the wall is actually working very well in a number of spots.  Some of the places are too weak and will require update in the near future, but it is turning a lot of people back.

    Someday soon, Mexico is going to have to start taking care of its own people!!  And if they shuck the corruption, they may arrive at the point of being an excellent and decent place to be.

  5. Forget about corrupt officials, there are ways of dealing with them, and they are probably caught and made to face the music more often than not, anyway.  What I think we all should be worried about is that a wall built to keep people out can all the same be used to keep people in.

  6. The wall is for the Politicians to show thier doing somethings. Our country was created by Immigrates and that will not stop. Since the beginning of time people have moved for different reasons. A fence is not going to stop it.

  7. Certainly less money waste than spending billions into illegal's welfare, spanish signs, Mexican gangs prevention, etc

    I live in LA (Mexifornia) and see it all

  8. The wall has proved to be a very effective deterrent and an asset to Americas border patrol officers. While there is no denying there is corruption on both sides of the border I would hesitate in quantifying it as being "lots". If there is in fact corruption, and I agree it is very likely, then it would stand to follow that there needs to be a better screening process for the border patrol on both sides of the border. With this in mind, shouldn't a screening process be used for admittance into America or any country for that matter? One could only agree that it should, this and many more reasons is why illegal immigration is not a legitimate course of action and actually a detriment to a moral and respectful society.

  9. The border wall is NOT for Legal Immigrants dodo !!!!!

    Corruption exists everywhere unfortunately - But a wall to stop illegals from coming to this country, my home, I am all for -

  10. When we want to keep a dog in or out of a yard, we put up a wall. No human, regardless of the law, should be treated like a dog.

  11. Really?

    In reality it is the best money we will spend this decade.

    331 miles have been completed on the dual layer fence so far, with another 350 miles under construction.

    The Chief of one of the Arizona border patrol offices recently gave an interview concerning the fence through his district. He stated that crossings are down 96% on his area which was formerly one of the busiest crossing zones.

  12. is a total waste of money

  13. The wall can be used to keep people in when the draft is reinstated. Have you forgotten that we are at war?

  14. More of American tax dollars are wasted on illegals themselves. The corrupt border officials will get weeded out if nothing else then by American citizens that are tired of it all.

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