
Immortal manners?

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i know this is kind of a stupid question and all, but what makes you look at a person and you kind of look at them and KNOW that they're different almost something mysterious, as if they were immortal...what kind of characterstics would they hold??

slow-talking? slow walking? for example maybe...thnx :)




  1. I think they would have very unusual eyes, ancient and wise.  They also would have a slight smile as if everything we find so serious was a huge joke to them.  After all they would have seen so much anything we would think serious would seem very small and insignificant to them.  I think they would laugh a lot, loud and long.  Blessed be.

  2. A strong presence of Being! & sure self awareness.

  3. I doubt there is anyone on Earth who is physically immortal, but some people do have a presence about them, as if they're wiser or know stuff the rest of us don't.

    I have a psi-vamp friend who considers himself a "spiritual immortal", which means among other things that he remembers more of his past lives than most other people do.

    I'd say people like this often listen well and evaluate others before telling them stuff. They read people well, because they have lots of experience with people. They tend to have a good sense of humor, because they know the little stuff in Life is not that serious. They have confidence in themselves, because they know they've survived much hardship. They have very limited patience with fools and bores, but they have patience with people who are honestly trying to understand themselves or make better of themselves.

    They move and talk at normal speeds. They make mistakes sometimes too, just like the rest of us. Actually, they usually know they've made some big mistakes in their past, so they don't seem overly arrogant, even though they do seem wise.

    - P.

  4. There is no such thing as immortal.

    The longest living organisms in the world are certain types of trees and shrubs. Some are a few thousand years old but they've lived so long because they die very slowly...plants can do that since they have no central nervous system.

    Some species of whales, and possibly some other marine animals are suspected of being able to live as long as 150 or 200 years or so, however humans, or anything with a human body for that matter, max out around 120 years old.

    We literally are worn down at the molecular level at that point and few humans are documented as making it that long.

    On the opposite end of the spectrum, there are people with progeria, who age prematurely and usually die in their teens.

  5. immortality:

    basically they would look a little more on the saddened side (or the crazy side in some instances), because thats what living for a thousand years and watching everything close to you slip away.

    they would walk in a more careless manner and take more risks (this is the crazy type that i just mentioned) because many of them figure "hey, i can't die so why the heck not?"

    many of them blend into societies fashion quite well (they have alot of time to practice) but some try to blend in too well: suit and tie every day, sometimes even the exact same look.

    not to mention how very self aware and wise some may appear. except the insane ones who spend less time in self discovery and more time spend basejumping without the parachutes...bloody showoffs.

    although theres others like vamps or indigos, who simply have an extended lifespan that may also display similar characteristics.

    psi-vampyrkin are only just in this category, their bodies are young and age at and average (perhaps slower) speed as a human but their mind has an extended memory (i have yet to study this phenomina)

    hope this assists somehow.

  6. they are very wise.

    i'm no immortal i'm a indigo it's like being immortal without living forever. my soul is 10,000 years old.

    i spend most of my time trying to help others understand life.

    wisdom helps. i have to dumb things down a lot and sometimes i accidentally start speaking latin even though i don't know it consciously my subconscious does. i actually looked at a child that was misbehaving and said in a calm voice

    ego sum rumex ut vos sentio ut vos must factum hac impetro vestri cuspis trans tamen procul nonnullus cuspis is must terminus sic commodo subsisto crocus quod lascivio per vestri toys.

    i only recently decifered it. i can't spell it very well so i had to guess on most of it. even doing this is had to use a translator for each word so i could spell it correctly. it simply means,

    i am sorry that you feel that you must act this way to get your point across but at some point it must end so please stop yelling and play with your toys.

    i only do this when i fall into meditation either accidentally which i have learned to control or on purpose.

    so i would say wisdom defines a immortal.

    your psychic power that everyone has allows you to pick up on it.

    i hope this helps you.

    ago puteus meus amicus
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