
Immortal vampires, do they exist?

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i know a person i wouldnt really call a friend. someone i know told me to read the books twilight. i know i am kind of pushing it but this girl has well all the same symptoms- i guess we can call - of the vampires in twilight. the golden eyes that turn black, the never going out when the sun is out, only hanging out with her family, and her family is the same. i was thinking that maybe thay are like the cullen family in twilight. do you think they exist. i mean real immortal vampires. not like hey im the walking dead, but maybe they dont have hearts and they dont have to breathe and their really fast and all the stuff that is in twilight???




  1. My names are Mirabel Coleman.

    Am here to give my testimony of how i became a vampire . Long time ago,a friend of mine told me that Vampires are real and i doubted it at the first place,not until she confessed to me that she is one of them.She told me the reason she had to became a vampire,at first i was scared of her but later she made me understand that i need not to be scared and that becoming a vampire will only make me live longer than expected,become famous and be able to fight all my enemies which i later agreed to become,i never thought it was real not until recently.

    Am very proud to be one of them now,i have no reason to be scared to give my testimony to the world.In case you are interested,just contact the bellow email.


  2.  Our lack of belief in vampires has always been their greatest weapon.  You can’t organize resistance to something no one else believes in, as many victims of vampires have discovered over the centuries.  Humans have battled them in secret ever since vampires spread through Europe like a plague after the Crusades, hiding in Eastern Europe, feeding there in secret, building up strength and allies until they could escape into the new growing cities, early urban centers finally becoming large enough to conceal the vampires and their crimes.

    But modern science is learning that there are more things than even it can explain -- quantum physics, string theory -- as vampires have become spoiled and complacent, careless, humans have become increasingly aware of their traces.  We are prey no longer.  The balance of power is shifting.  When incontrovertible proof of the existence of vampires was discovered in 1987, on the Lower East Side and midtown of Manhattan, organized resistance began in earnest with the formation of Clean Slate Global, based in Red Hook, Brooklyn, a private mercenary organization dedicated to wiping them out -- for a price.

    By 2007, the secret war between vampires and humans had officially begun with the capture of the elected members of New York’s High Council of the Society of the Veil, the hundred vampires who ruled the rest.  From that day on, man and vampire have been locked in deadly battle, even if no one has known about it but the combatants.



  3. Maybe some day we will find out if vampires, real immortal vampires exist but untill then, or if their will ever be a then, you just have to watch your vampire movie's, and read your vampire books,and maybe a vampire will find you. As for Twiligt obviously the movie does not portray vampires as they are supposed to be, but probably as one womans vision of how she see's, or want's to see vampires. I see as more of a love story, or a love triangle. whatever the case if vampires are real they are ancient, and wise. I dont think they will just live out in the open amongst humans so carelessly. Unless they are bored. how would you entertaine yourself if you lived forever, and could not die. So maybe they do live amongst humans. The earth is very old, and lots unexplored so you never know...

  4. Guest 4551 am srry to say but if u r the real one then how c*m u online ha????ITS ALL FAKE!!!!!!

  5. Real vampires DO exist. Find out more information here:

  6. The only 'vampires' I believe in are the freaks who drink blood and call themselves a vampire. Maybe she wears contacts. Maybe she's just really pale. Maybe she's shy or something. It's always fun to believe, just for awhile. But sometimes you shouldn't believe what you see...Or rather what you think you see.
    I doubt who you're dealing with is immortal, or a vampire.

  7. Dont be swayed by the hypocrytical views of those who call themselves "real Vampires"  they will tell u they are Psi Vampires and Sanguinarian vampires. They are charlatans these people are nothing more than roleplayers with a vampire fixation. they are no different from normal people execpt in their own deluded minds. There is no such thing as a Psi-Vampire.   Might as well believe Derek Acorrah is really a physcic

  8. Vampires exist, but are not immortal. We live normal lives. Though we do require small amounts of blood, we get it from willing donors or animal blood (easily purchased from a butcher)

  9. yes she is a vampire ruuuuuuuuun aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah :-0

  10. Hog wash

  11. i don't know the answer to that, but i'd like to believe that there might be that possibility...

  12. First of all, if she's haveing the same symptons why are you asking us. Go ask her. If she doesn't answer or you suspect her of lyeing you know it's true. Hang around her more. If you LIKE her then try to actually talk to her. Remember, it might be really hard for her to stay away for you. (not only in a good way)

  13. First: I am sorry for my bad english. I read lots of crazy stories about vampires and i can´t believe what people thinking or believe. That girl who has a same symptoms like a u realy think, that they showing other human been there changes? I dont think so. If vampires do exist, they must have a good laugh when they read all these stories. And me? Yes, i believe.

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