
Immune System Help?

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I take a multi vitamin every day, eat well and get plenty of sleep...however i seem to get sick has become encredibly annoying and the doctors havent really done anything to help me

I am curious if there is any other supplement or vitamin that you would recommend to help strengthen my immune system




  1. You can go to:

    and watch a video on how glutathione helps  the immune system.

    or you can watch an interview with Dr. James F. Balch about a natural product that helps the immune system:

  2. It is a better thing to get your vitamins from the foods you eat....the body is only able to metabolise a small amount of any thing, so that may be why you are feeling the way you do........maybe you are overdosing yourself a bit excellent herb to supplement your body's needs is the ganoderma....go to the following web page and check out the and look at these product profiles and you'll find the answer.....the gano, Andro-G, has to consider the Chinese as the master of herbs.......

  3. well the Australian Bush Flower Essences system, has some essences that can help the immune system.

    I would start with Dynamis to tone up all the glands first for a couple of weeks and then take Purifying essence combination for another couple of weeks this should help your system be in better tune.

    IF after that it still has not improved then taking an actual immune system boost that is in the book Australian Bush Flower Healing by Ian White would be my advice

    "Australian Bush Flower Healing" by Ian White  this book has a great repertory and  ISBN-10: 073380053X

    This group is mostly for people using Australian Bush Flower Essences

  4. Vitamin b12, cat's claw, echinacea, lots of pro-biotics.

  5. Since you're already getting enough sleep and taking a multi (I'm not sure about your diet, but that shouldn't have a huge impact on getting sick very often), I will say that's very good for your immune system. In addition, doing at least some form of exercise (even if it's walking around) at least a few times a week and drinking plenty of water can also help.

    In addition, some of the most popular natural products for boosting the immune system are Colostrum, Mushrooms (Maitake, Shiitake, and Reishi), IP-6 (Inositol Hexaphosphate), Beta Glucans, Elderberry, Echinacea or Graviola (each should be taken short-term only), and any antioxidants.

    Good luck!

  6. My herbal drink is the solution to your problem.  It is comprised of 5 power herbs.  One of the herbs, moringa, has the following nutrients:  

    +7 times more vitamin C than oranges

    +4 times more vitamin A than carrots

    +4 times more calcium than milk

    +2 times more protein than milk

    +3 times more iron than spinach

    +3 times more potassium than bananas

  7. You might look into Reishi mushroom in capsule form and also continue to investigate why this is happening. Is stress a major factor? Is it normal because of job exposure? If you sleep and eat well and there are no other issues, you should continue on until you figure out why.

    What is often to you? A couple of times a year is normal for most people.

  8. You might want to try all natural NutriFeron.  It's a natural interferon booster.  Taken daily, NutriFeron strengthens immune response by boosting the body's natural interferon which is critical to healthy immune function.

    Contains a blend of natural plant extracts from pumpkin seeds, safflower flowers, plantago seeds, and Japanese honeysuckle flower buds.

  9. Supplements do not reach the underlying cause for recurrent illness, thus why I trained as a homeopath. There's always a mind-body connection, in addition to the soil we inherit, and homeopathy restores equilibrium in all facets, on all levels. What you have is a "susceptibility," and - in my experience both with conventional and alternative medicine - homeopathy alone is able to restore balance. You're a perfect example, doing all the "right things," yet still getting sick. That's when homeopathy shines, because you've already done your part (as opposed to people who come in with poor lifestyles and diets, and want a magic cure).

    But, it is something you'd have to consult with a homeopath for, not self-treat with over-the-counter remedies. A homeopath will sit with you for a couple of hours, talk about current and past symptoms, your family history, your "constitutional" symptoms (your tolerance for cold and heat, sleep quality and position, food preferences and aversions, etc.), your life situation (to factor in emotional stress), etc. You'll receive a remedy customized to you. It's really a wonderful healing modality, that few will reap the benefits from (our world is full of skeptics who would rather hold their position than heal).

    N. America, the national directory of certified homeopaths is at http;// Otherwise, it's easy to find someone worldwide. Check credentials, that the person has a 100% homeopathic practice, experience, training, etc.
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