
Immunology exam 911!!?

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I am a Medical student ,My immunology exam next week .. and I don’t know if I’ll pass …I ‘m too depressed to study , I hate everything in this ugly world ..




  1. So don't study today.  Go take a long walk, have yourself some chocolate ice cream.  Let your brain relax.  Then get back to it tomorrow.

    I took a microbiology course as a nursing prerequisite, that was taught at a medical school by the medical school faculty.  It was HARD, and I sure loved it.  That was my favorite of all my classes.  But I remember that immunology was definitely the hardest part of the class.  

    You're in a tough program, and you're finishing a really hard class.  But I promise you understand more of it already than you think.  Give yourself some time to unwind today.  It'll look better tomorrow.

  2. first of all don't worry about passing the exam ..

    the immunology is hard science but it's also really nice one .. to study immunology you had to respect the textbook that you are using but also you can refer to some websites like " that may help you deal and understand with the basic points in this science ...

    You are in the week before the exam so try to relax .. start in the morning because "1 hr = 2.5 hrs in the evening" ... don't use drugs and sleep when you fell sleepy.. i know the stress is huge but you can deal with it only if calm down ...

    you may use scientific methods to help like : using (mind mapping> to help you understand ) and (Time tables> to organize the time left before the exam)

    Good luck in your exam and don't forget to relax..
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