
Impact of texting in the life style of teenagers?

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  1. wow, some of you ppl worry TO much, its just another form of communication. Adults use it to.  

  2. what?....

  3. Arthritic thumbs

  4. addicting lol

  5. I don't Understand..

    The lifestyle of teenagers?

    You mean orientation?

    There are all different slangs in Texting.

    l33t   Leet, meaning 'elite'

    L8R Later

    L8RG8R Later, gator

    LBAY Laughing back at you

    LD Later, dude / Long distance

    LEMENO Let me know

    LERK Leaving easy reach of keyboard

    LFG Looking for group (online gaming)

    LFG Looking for guard (online gaming)

    LGH Lets get high

    LH6 Lets have s*x

    LHSX Lets have s*x

    LHM Lord help me

    LHO Laughing head off

    LIC Like I care

    LIK Meaning liquor

    LMAO Laughing my a** off

    LMBO Laughing my butt off

    LMFAO Laughing my freaking a** off

    LMIRL Lets meet in real life

    LMK Let me know

    LMNK Leave my name out

    LOA List of acronyms

    LOL Laughing out loud

    LOL Laugh out loud

    LOL Lots of love

    LOLH Laughing out loud hysterically

    LOLO Lots of love

    LOTR Lord of The Rings (online gaming)

    LQTM Laughing quietly to myself

    LSHMBH Laugh so hard my belly hurts

    LTNS Long time no see

    LTOD Laptop of death

    LTS Laughing to self

    LULZ Slang for lol

    LVM Left voice mail

    LWOS Laughing without smiling

    LY Love ya

    LYLAS Love you like a sis

    LYSO Love you so much

    For more you can go to;

  6. car crashes...innocent people dead over words...pathetic

  7. -Rudeness. (It might be just me.. but I can't stand when people are talking to you then whip out their phone to text someone out of the blue. Hello? If you don't wanna talk to me just effing leave.)

    -Lack of communication skills (you can't get away with actually saying LOL to people without looking/sounding like a 'tard).

    -Thumb injuries? XD

    -Short attention spans... I haven't seen many teens be able to go long without texting anymore. Goddess forbid they're driving or doing something that needs full attention. o_O

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