
Impacts of the modernisation of gender equality?

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in terms of what has been done so far and how can they be improved.




  1. It seems that equality is often confused with sameness.  We are all equal as humans but we are not the same.  Men and women have many clear differences.  It is my belief that we are designed to complement each other, not compete with each other and I also believe we have different gender roles. It is a statistical fact that children who come from a loving family with a mother and a father are better off and do better in general than any other arrangement, there is a reason for that.  Improvement would be in my opinion, to be aware that we are of equal value but very different roles.  We need to get back to men being men and women being women, period.

  2. Very good Question!!!!

    I think that one of the biggest impacts is the awareness.  However A lot of the data that is compiled is just now coming out to be faulty.

    For instance, it has long been assumed that women make less then men doing the same job.  new studies have shown that they actually make more.

    Say a Man and a Women graduate from college with the same degree and take the same job starting at the same pay.

    The man normally will work, continue to get promoted and get raises.

    however, studies have shown that 60% of the women normally leave the work force to start a family, then come back to the job. at that point they are on a lower scale and even though on paper it looks like they should be equal, the fact is the guy has just worked longer and harder.  but, the women normally will get faster promotions. and if they both stayed in the work force, women actually get promoted faster.

    this is not taking into account of the social impact.  it is now accepted for a women to be a single mother, and the male role model has been downplayed to a point that i have noticed the following:

    1. more women are willing to support a man in a relationship

    2. males are coddled more growing up, and tend to not be able to handle more masculine situations.

    3. a starked increase in homosexuality in males (I know the argument about are you born that way or choose, but the fact is that there are more homosexuals, period)

    to improve the situation, we may need to actually lose the Euro male idealism, and adopt more of an Asian idealism with females.  Asian males tend not to coddle women, and women actually are looked at as partners and not the weaker s*x

    this is just my educated opinion, I studied sociology

  3. I think we are given just about every chance to be equal but certain individuals ruin it.  For example... using sexualitiy to get ahead...some women say they want to be equal, but then jump at the chance to get ahead the wrong way.  Men can do the same things... they are usually physically stronger or have something in common with a boss or both may think they are better then a woman.  I think in order to improve anymore, individuals need to stop being hypocrates.

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