
Impeach George Bush?

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What member of the United States House of Representatives recently introduced a resolution to impeach President George W. Bush and spent four and a half hours reading them aloud on the House floor?




  1. Personally, I'd rather see the man impailed than impeached.

  2. Kuchnic however you spell it.

  3. Thank Goodness it's Bush's last few months.  Now we can concentrate on McCain defeating Obama.

  4. Congressman Dennis Kucinich.  Unfortunately, he was a little on the late side.

    What's the point anymore?  Bush is a lame duck with a few months left at the Presidency.  This should have been done when it could have saved our economy and more importantly the lives of over 4000 soldiers.

    But I think back then everyone was thinking the same thing--President Cheney.

    Kind of leaves a bad taste in the mouth when you say that, doesn't it?

  5. kuuuuucinnnnnnich

    bite me  

    thats old and tired  

    lets talk about Obama's sweetheart mortgage rate ?

    thats more fun

    him and Christopher Dodd  get discounted rates cause there important      ya lets  talk about that

  6. hahahaha Dennis K sure knows how to let em have it.

    I wonder if they can call out for pizza and beer?

  7. Comrade Kucinich.

  8. Rep. Dennis Kucinich

  9. Democrat History lesson.

    How To Learn history the Democratic way.....


  10. No, don't impeach him. Wait until 20 Jan 09, then charge him with murder and take him to trial. See: "The Prosecution of George W. Bush for Murder" by Vincent Bugliosi (the prosecutor of Charles Manson).

    Sorry, I missed that resolution, but it is too late; there is not enough time now to impeach him. But, he could be tried for murder, IAW Bugliosi.

  11. hmm...I'm sitting here chuckling over the real possibilities of how most of you(if you were old enough to remember,which you aren't)..would've hated many of our presidents even more,had you lived through their administrations!!.But I guess that's why they call it idealistic,with a huge dose of naive thrown in for good measure.
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