
Imperialism and its impact on agriculture, forestry, environment and deforetation 18 19 20 CENTURY?

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Imperialism and its impact on agriculture, forestry, environment and deforetation 18 19 20 CENTURY?




  1. You want someone to write a thesis on this?  Or do the homework your greenie-weenie pinko teacher assigned you?  "Deforetation" [sic], what a joke.

  2. The imperial British may have cut the precious teak and other wood from our forests and taken away but they also preserved forests by upgrading and fresh plantings.. just as they introduced the finer hirsutum (american) cotton varieties and took away the lint to their mills, made into cloth and brought back to sell here, and so on..

    but they always had the habit of preserving the greenery around.. whenever they started to build a bungalow, they would create a garden around and the same would be ready by the time the building is ready for occupation.. the avenues and gardens around the houses and offices are now things of the past..

    The imperial govt only set up the Famine Commssion and sought to improve agriculture.. they had not wished to make the subjects rich but always provided the endowments to have them produce more raw materials, so they can process and sell finished products at higher price..

    Thus in their selfishness too they did some good.. the rail transports, postal communication etc.. but our elected govts are frittering away the resources on unproductive freebies just to catch power..

    by introducing machinery for spinning and weaving, rice milling and oil crushing, they may have started the pollution but the impact was more telling on the unemployment of the locals engaged in these industries..

    they engaged in wasteful wars, created disharmony among the local rulers to exploit them for selfish imperial gains and looted the precious resources.. but they also indirectly helped us in the unification of the country (minus Pak of course) and gave us a constitution (British type) that helped us to emerge as a great democracy in the world..

  3. The imperial British may have cut the precious teak and other wood from our forests and taken away but they also preserved forests by upgrading and fresh plantings.. just as they introduced the finer hirsutum (american) cotton varieties and took away the lint to their mills, made into cloth and brought back to sell here

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