
Implanon experiences or information?

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I was on here about a week ago asking about Mirena, however I have talked with my primary doctor and she said that it is not a good idea for me due to my issues with my cervix.

So does any know about this? my doctor was not very familiar but I like the thought of not having to worry for three years, which lines up very well with my goals....




  1. My experience is the exact opposite as the previous reply. I had it inserted, there was a pretty nasty bruise but that went away after about a week. Not much pain, it just felt like a bad bruise and then once that healed up it doesn't hurt. I go days and days now without thinking about it. I do still get this little pinch like feeling sometimes when lifting my arm, like to brush my hair out of my eyes or some movement that brings my arm up. Its like the implant pinches or something. If I put my arm down and then try it again, its gone. It was much worse when I first got it but even that was bearable. But it has improved to the point that it only happens sometimes now.

    I had it inserted a day after my period ended and then waited to have unprotected s*x with my husband for 7 days. I had one period about a month and a half after insertion and it wasn't painful or anything. Normally my period would last 5 days and start out VERY heavy for the first two days and then lighten up until the end. The one period I have had since the implant was inserted was still 5 days but it was VERY light and no cramping or anything. It was very 'hit and miss', I kept thinking it was done and then later that day it would start spotting again. Since that one period I haven't had a period. I have had it in for about 2 1/2 months now.

    If your doctor is not familiar with it, find one that is. In my research I saw a lot of women who ended up pregnant with the implant in because it was not inserted correctly. It must be under the skin but above the muscle. The doctor has to go to a training class on how to insert and remove the implant. I would not use a doctor who hasn't been through this training. How bad would it suck to end up pregnant after paying for this really expensive birth control!! Even with my insurance I had to pay out of pocket $300!! So find a doctor who KNOWS about it and is trained!!

  2. I had the Implanon fitted - they give a local anaesthetic so it doesn't hurt when fitted.  Its a little tender/bruised in the few days after its fitted.

    It didn't suit me as a contraceptive choice, I bled for the three months it was in for and I suffered terrible headaches (something that I also suffered with the pill).

    Several friends have had it, a couple for the full three year period - I would certainly recommend it as a hassle free contraceptive choice.  I only wish it had worked better for me!

    Good luck - I think I am gonna have to hace the copper coil fitted after I have my baby as anything with hormones (therefore inclusive of the mirena coil) seems to be likely to cause me problems - fab!! LOL


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