
Implantation bleeding or period? three days berfore my period was due me and my husband were

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three days berfore my period was due me and my husband were having s*x.then i started to bleed. but he was not rough at all. i bleed for about ten minutes light red and was not a heavy flow at all. then spotted some very very light pinkish spots the next day for about 6 hours. i have never experinced that before my period was due. my breast are heavy and i don't even want to touch them.i have been very tired for the past week. could i have experinced implantation bleeding? thanks!




  1. Wait and see if your period comes or not..and if not take a test

  2. Might be. Just wait and see if your period comes if not then take a test!!! All you can do is wait and see!! Good Luck.

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